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Telus TPM Documentation


View Deductions

To view deductions, select View Deductions from the Deductions sub-menu.

The File Load and File Received Date can be viewed by clicking the Show Dates button at the bottom of the screen.

A popup will display with the date information. Click anywhere on the popup to close it.

There are 2 grids displayed. The top grid displays Deductions, and the bottom grid displays Deducted Claims.


This grid displays all Open deductions by default. The count of deductions displayed on the grid is displayed on the tab.

The Active Deduction State can be filtered to view other states.

The textboxes on each column are filters. Enter text in the box and click enter to filter the data. To clear a filter, delete the text in the box and click enter.

There are totals at the bottom of the grid for Deduction Amount Remaining, Deduction Amount Requested, and Client Deduction Amount Open. The totals are updated as the grid is filtered.

To view the Deduction Notes, click the Show Notes button at the bottom of the screen. Users with permissions will be able to add Notes within the Show Notes popup.

Deducted Claims

To view deducted claims, select a deduction in the top grid and the bottom grid will display all claims which are matched to the selected deduction. The count of claims matched to that deduction is displayed on the Deducted Claims tab.

The Deducted Claims grid displays the claim data as well as the Deduction Match Date.

The textboxes on each column are filters. Enter text in the box and click enter to filter the data. To clear a filter, delete the text in the box and click enter.

Export Options

Below the grids are Export options. Click the gear icon in the top right hand corner. Chose Export as and pick either CSV or Excel.

Deduction Repay Letter

The Deduction Repay Letter is available on any deduction that is in a Complete state and marked with a Deduction Label of Rebillable. These are deductions which were not authorized in full and the invalid portion is to be repaid by the customer. The repayment letter will identify the amount to be repaid and where to remit the repayment.

Search for the deduction using the filter at the top of the Deductions grid.

Select the deduction (highlight the deduction row) in the top grid and the claim(s) will display in the Deducted Claims grid.

The Deduction Repay Letter button will become enabled at the bottom of the screen if the deduction was short paid.

Clicking the button will open the Report Runner. This letter is available only as a PDF. Click the Generate report button to run the letter.

The letter will display in the Generated reports section when ready.

Click the link to view the letter.

view_deductions.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/26 16:14 by tina.robles