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Reporting - Admin

Client Settings

Client Settings can be configured in the Admin → Client Setup → Client Settings menu option.

There are 8 different areas to manage the Client Settings. Remember click Save after making changes!


In this section, manage the Client Description, Address, Timezone, Contact, Password Strength, Case Insensitive Identifiers, Operator Requests and Logo information.

Minimum Password Crack Time

Enter a number and qualifier here to represent how long it would take to crack a password. Available qualifiers are: hour(s), day(s), year(s), centur(y)(ies), millenni(a)(um). For example, to make the password extremely difficult to crack, enter 1 millennia - this means that any password a user will be able to choose must take at least that long to crack in an offline attack.

We do not allow enforcing arbitrary requirements like “must contain at least: 1 uppercase, 1 lower case, 1 number, minimum length 8 characters”. Those rules do not ensure a user will choose a secure password, and can actually lead users to using common passwords which are potentially already in lists of “common passwords”.

How we attempt to ensure passwords will be sufficiently secure is by running them through an analysis which attempts to find patterns in each part of the password and assigns it a value. We attempt to match against:

  • Lists of common passwords
  • Lists of common English words, first, and last names
  • Common years
  • Dates
  • L33t substitutions (e.g. p@ssword)
  • Repeating characters or words (e.g. passpass)
  • Sequences of characters (e.g. 65432 or abcdefg)
  • Spacial patterns (e.g. qwerty)

Each match we make over a part of a password is given a score for how easy to guess it is, and we then put together all matches we have made in a way which gives the lowest possible possible score for the password. Each method above is a method that someone trying to crack a password could try. We try to the best of our ability to calculate a valid score for the password to give a realistic idea of how secure the password is against a sophisticated attacker.

The time-to-crack is calculated using the hashing algorithm our passwords are protected by, the score for the password returned from the analysis above, and being attacked by a hypothetical password cracking server which cost ~$20,000 in 2019. The speed of a server which can be bought for ~$20k is something which will obviously change over time, and we will continue to keep the values used for the calculation valid over time.

Case Insensitive Identifiers

This option sets all master data identifiers to be case insensitive throughout the system. This is achieved by upper casing all identifiers already in the system, any coming in on feeds, and any input on admin screens.

The identifiers affected by this are as follows:

* Attribute Name * Company Number * Company Type CD * Deduction Number * Grouping CD * Product Number * LumpSum CD * Sale Number * UOM Type CD *

Operator Request Enabled

When checked, this setting allows users entering contracts to request a new Operator company. If unchecked, the option to create a new operator is disabled.


Enable and Enforce Lumpsum Product Allocation: when checked, this setting requires that Product Allocations be defined for all Lumpsum Contracts. If unchecked, the product allocations are not required and do not display.


The Accrual tab has the option to accrue into the future.

When checked, the accruals will generate for all months on the contract into the future. When unchecked, accruals will be calculated through today’s date.



These are settings you can update to increase auto matching from claim to deduction.


This tab contains the claim-related settings like Price Generation, Price Tiers, Default UOM, etc.

Price Generation

Enable Sale Data Price Generation - check this box to use sales data for price generation. Define the Lookback Period and Period Type. There is also an option to select a Look-back Price Strategy.

  • Look-back Period and Period Type: The price generation process will use the most recent period to find pricing for that company and product. If it can't find any price records, then it will look-back based on the number of periods and period type. So based on the screenshot above, it will look back 3 quarters to find a price.
  • Price Generation Strategy: There is an option to calculate the Average, Maximum or Minimum Pricing for a product and company. If the Price Generation Period Type is Quarter and the look-back price strategy is Maximum, then the price generation process will use the max price for the current quarter. Or if there is no pricing in the current quarter, it will look-back based on the value set in the look-back period.

Price Tier Configuration

This section allows the 4 different Price Tiers to be Configured. The order which the text values are set here determines how rates will be calculated on claims. The top text value will be the first method used to calculate rates and the bottom option will be the last method used to calculate rates.

To change the order, select a value and drag it to the desired location.

To add a tier, select it from the dropdown.

To delete an option, select the value in the dropdown and click the X icon.

Other Claim Options

Location Claimant Enforce Eligible Distributor: If this box is checked, lines where the distributor are not defined as distributors on the contract will pend for Ineligible Distributor. Or if the line item distributor is missing on the claim product row, the line will pend for Missing Line Item Distributor.

Zero Rate Auto Reject: If this box is checked, products defined on the contract with $0.00 Fixed Rate or $0.00 None pricing will auto-reject due to Explicit Contract Rate Zero. If the box is unchecked, the lines will Pend for Explicit Contract Rate Zero. If there are also tolerances set up for the Explicit Contract Rate Zero pend reason, checking this box will trump that tolerance setting and lines pending for that reason will always auto reject.

Default Claim UOM: The UOM selected here will be the default UOM for all claim product lines added. A user will still have the option to change the UOM of a claim product if a UOM conversion exists for that product.

Claim Rate Scale: Enter in a value from 0-6 to determine the number of decimal places to show for rates on a claim. This count of decimal places defined here will show for the Calculated Rate, Requested Rate and Allowed Rate columns on the claim.


Add Contacts here. Just click Add Contact to add a new row and then click Save. First Name and Last Name are required fields. To Delete a Contact, select the row that needs to be deleted and click Delete Contact. These action buttons are on the bottom of the screen.

Fiscal Calendar

Add new Fiscal Calendar Months, Quarters and Weeks. To Add a new Fiscal Period, click the Add Fiscal Period button, enter the data, and click Save. To Delete a Fiscal Period, select the row and click Delete Fiscal Period. These action buttons are on the bottom of the screen.

Fiscal Calendar entries are validated on save to ensure there are no gaps or overlaps in the date ranges, as well as no skipped years, quarters, months, and weeks.


Tolerances can be added and managed in Client Settings by users who have access.

Note: all tolerances are at the claim level - not invoice level.

Since tolerances are at the claim level, they cannot be applied at the lump sum level. This is because the tolerance amount is added to the lump sum amount, allowing additional claims to be submitted and paid for the overspent event, provided the overspent amount is within the tolerance limit.

Example: If a $200 tolerance is set for the “overspent market event” pend reason, this tolerance not only allows a $5200 requested amount to be paid on a $5000 lump sum (by adding the $200 tolerance), but it also permits any number of lump sum claims to be submitted and paid for the overspent $5000 event, as long as each claim is $200 or less.

No Tolerances:

If the Enable Tolerance box is unchecked, no tolerances will be applied.

If the Max Claim Tolerance amount is $0.00, no tolerances will be applied.

Tolerances: Select the Enable Tolerance checkbox to turn tolerances on.

Line Item Tolerance: If the Max Claim Tolerance is blank, only the line item tolerances will be applied. This means that there is no max claim tolerance amount. Tolerances can be set up with different amounts and out of tolerance actions.

Max Claim Tolerance: If there is a value in the Max Claim Tolerance (not $0.00) then this is the max amount that will be paid using tolerances. All pend reasons can be set to any amount but the total tolerance applied to the claim will not exceed the max claim tolerance amount provided. If you want to allow the max claim amount for all pend reasons, set each individual line tolerance amount to equal the max claim tolerance.

Tolerance Set Up

Add: To add a new tolerance reason, click the New button.

Select a Reason Code from the dropdown, add the tolerance amount and select an action type. Each Reason Code can only be added once.

Modify: a row can be modified by selecting a different Reason Code, changing the Tolerance Amount, or selecting a different Action Type on an existing row.

Delete: to remove a tolerance reason, check the box for the row and click the Delete button.

Click Save after making changes!

Action Types

Pend: lines will Pend if over the tolerance amount.

Reject: lines will Reject if over the tolerance amount.

Recalc: lines will be Recalculated to pay the calculated amount if over tolerance. This Action Type should ONLY be selected for the Requested Amount Greater than Calculated Reason Code.

NOTE: If a tolerance is set up for Explicit Contract Rate Zero AND the Zero Rate Auto Reject box is checked on the Claim tab, lines pending for that reason will Auto Reject. The checkbox for Zero Rate Auto Reject will trump any tolerances set up for Explicit Contract Rate Zero.

Payment Calendar

This section is used to set up Payment Calendars for use when running the AutoPay process for Growth Contracts.

Click the Add button on the bottom left hand side of the screen to add a new payment calendar description. (i.e. Monthly, Quarterly, Annually)

Add the Payment Calendar Description into the text field and hit ENTER on your keyboard.

This will add that calendar description in a pick list on the left side of the screen. Selecting that calendar then allows the user to enter dates on the right side of the screen. Click on the ADD button on the bottom of the Payment Dates section of the screen to enter dates. The calendar dates entered must be after the contract period is over.

Once the date is entered, either manually or using the calendar icon, click SAVE in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. If you have different time periods you would set up multiple calendars (i.e. Monthly, Quarterly, Annually).

client_settings.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/10 10:52 by tina.robles