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Telus TPM Documentation


Location View

Click on the Location Search option to see all Location data.

The top row of the Location Search grid is a filter. Enter text into any of the columns to filter to data containing the text entered.

To view the specific information related to a particular location, click the View hyperlink.

This will open up a view of the selected location. Location information is located at the top. Other information, such as Contacts, Opportunities and Tasks, can be viewed, added and edited within their corresponding tabs.

New, Edit and Delete Location

The following actions are available on the Location Search.

To Add a Location, click the New button. This opens the Location Information popup. Enter in the information and click Save.

To Edit a Location's information, click the row to select it then click the Edit button. This will open the Location Information popup in Edit mode. Update the information and click Save. Or click Close to close the popup without saving any changes.

To Delete a Location, select a Location row and click Delete. This will open a Delete Location confirmation notice. To delete the location and all information linked to it, click Yes. Click Cancel to close the message and not delete the location.


A Contact can be Added, Edited, Viewed or Deleted by selecting the corresponding action buttons on the Contact tab.

To add a new Contact for a Location, click the New button on the Contacts tab.

The Contact Information popup will display. Enter in the Name, Role, Details and Additional Information and click Save.

The data entered will appear within the Contacts grid.

To Edit an existing record, select the record in the grid, click the Edit button and make any necessary changes. Click Save to save the changes or click Close to close the Contact Information popup without updating any information.

To View the Contact Information, select the row and click the View button. The Contact Information popup will display as view-only.

To Delete a record, either Edit the record and click the Delete button within the popup or select the row and click the Delete button at the bottom of the screen.


An Opportunity can be Added, Edited, Viewed or Deleted by selecting the corresponding action buttons on the Opportunities tab.

To add a new Opportunity for a Location, click the New button on the Opportunities tab.

Enter in the Details, Additional Information and Pipeline information.

An opportunity can be linked to either a specific product or product category. Click the select button on the Product Category section of the opportunity and the Product Category Selector will display. All products will be listed on the Products tab. The first row is a filter - enter text in any of the fields to filter to a specific product.

The Product Groupings are listed on a separate tab. Click to expand the product groupings. Any level of product grouping can be added to the opportunity.

Once either a product or product category has been selected, click Select to add that to the opportunity. This will display as non-editable. To remove the product or product grouping, click the X button. To replace it with a different product or product grouping, click Select and choose another product or product grouping.

Enter in the rest of the Additional Information.

The values displaying in the pipeline drop down are defined by the manufacturer.

After clicking Save, the data entered will appear within the Opportunities grid.

To Edit an existing record, select the record in the grid, click the Edit button and make any necessary changes. Click Save to save the changes or click Close to close the Opportunity Information popup without updating any information.

To View the Opportunity Information, select the row and click the View button. The Opportunity Information popup will display as view-only.

To Delete a record, either Edit the record and click the Delete button within the popup or select the row and click the Delete button at the bottom of the screen.


A Task can be Added, Edited, Viewed or Deleted by selecting the corresponding action buttons on the Tasks tab.

To add a new Task for a Location, click the New button on the Tasks tab. This will open the Task Information popup.

Within the Details section, the Task Category drop down displays a list of Tasks as defined by the manufacturer. Click the row of the Task Category to add to the Task.

A task can be linked to either a specific product or product category. Click the select button on the Product Name section of the task and the Product Category Selector will display. All products will be listed on the Products tab. The first row is a filter - enter text in any of the fields to filter to a specific product.

The Product Groupings are listed on a separate tab. Click to expand the product groupings. Any level of product grouping can be added to the task.

Once either a product or product category has been selected, click Select to add that to the task. This will display as non-editable. To remove the product or product grouping, click the X button. To replace it with a different product or product grouping, click Select and choose another product or product grouping.

Enter a Due Date if the Task has one. There is also a Status drop down to note if the task is Incomplete or Complete. The Opportunity drop down will display a list of Opportunities which were defined on the Opportunities tab. This allows a task to be linked to a specific Opportunity.

Click Save after entering the data and the task information will display on the Tasks grid.

If the Task has both a Due Date and a Status of Incomplete, it can be linked to the calendar of the Account Representative for the location. See the section on Setting Up Task Calendars for more information on displaying Tasks on calendars.

To Edit an existing record, select the record in the grid, click the Edit button and make any necessary changes. Click Save to save the changes or click Close to close the Task Information popup without updating any information.

To View the Task Information, select the row and click the View button. The Task Information popup will display as view-only.

To Delete a record, either Edit the record and click the Delete button within the popup or select the row and click the Delete button at the bottom of the screen.

Notes & Attachments

To add Notes and/or Attachments to a Location, click Add on the Notes & Attachments grid.

The Note Editor allows text to be entered and one to many attachments linked to that one note. Add a note, or copy and paste from another source. These notes can be formatted using any of the options displayed at the top of the note section.

To add attachments there are a couple steps.

1. Click the Add Attachment button located at the bottom of the popup in the Action Bar section. An Upload File button will appear in the Attachment section.

2. Click Upload File to select a file.

If there are additional files that need to be added, click Add Attachment then select Upload File to add another attachment.

Once the notes and attachments are added, click Save. The text will display in the Notes & Attachments grid as it was formatted in the Note Editor. The attachments column will display a count of attachments associated with the note.

To cancel the action, click the Close button.

Both the notes and attachment fields are optional. A note can be added without an attachment or an attachment can be added without a note.

To remove an attachment, click the trash can icon.

The First and Last Name of the user who entered the note and/or attachment will display in the grid along with the date and time it was added and count of attachments on the note. To view a note or attachment, double click the row in the grid. Click the Download hyperlink to view the attachment.

location_view.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/03 20:25 by lisa.maloney