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Telus TPM Documentation


Tableau Reporting In the Box Reports

The list of reports below are available. Contact your Account Manager for additional information and setup.

Reports currently available under the TPM Standard Reports section within Tableau

  • Sales Analysis

Ability to slice and dice both the Direct and Indirect sales by product, product grouping, region, broker, etc. There are 3 different ways to view the data by dates: Custom, Year Over Year, and Trend.

The user has the option to select the Distribution Method:

  • Direct to Shipto: These are your sales to your customers you ship to directly (minus your customers who are redistributors)
  • Direct to Redi:These are your sales to your redistributor customers you ship to directly
  • Redi to Shipto: If you receive a file from your redistributors on who they re-sold your products to, we will load and it will show up under this section. Some examples are DOT Foods, KeHE, UNFI, C&S.

If you combine Direct to Shipto and Direct to Redi that accounts for all of your DIRECT sales.

There is also a Sales Map view which currently displays metrics for the United States only. Select a date range, company parent group or product group to view where the sales are for that selection.

The Comparison tab will display the weekly trend for the current year and last year based on the filter selections. There are also different buckets listed at the top to view how the data looks for the last week, last 4 weeks, last 13 weeks, last 26 weeks and last 52 weeks.

  • Operator Reporting

Ability to view a specific operator and see purchasing volumes by product, distributor, timeframe, etc. There is also an option to show spend. Each of the different ways to report are split into separate views.

Additionally, there is a year-over-year comparison report titled Operator Comparison by Year within the Operator Reporting. Select the metric (volume or dollars) and the months to see data comparing the current year to prior year. Drill down to see contract and product information.

  • Stocking Matrix

Ability to pick a specific product/set of products to see what distributors are stocking it. Shows actual purchases by timeframe as well.

  • Accrual Report

Shows Total Accrued, Accrual by Contract and Accrual by Contract and Product. Report also displays Retained data. Additional accrual reports display how contracts are setup to accrue, if they are accruing, and the Accrued Total compared to the Claim Allowed Amount.

In the Accrual and Actuals reporting, the following metrics are reported:

Accrued Delta Total - the Accrued dollar amount for the contract.

Allowed Amount - the Allowed Amount paid on Claims for that contract.

Swept - if the Contract has a sweep date, then this is the difference between the Accrued Delta Total and the Allowed Amount.

Balance - this is the Accrued Delta Total minus Allowed Amount minus Swept.

  • Trade Spend

Ability to view by month what your total Trade Spend was by various buckets of spend such as operator spend, distributor spend. Can be viewed to see total dollars or total claim counts.

  • Claim Reports

These reports display claim-related metrics.

Claim Requested vs. Allowed: This displays Requested vs. Allowed amounts based on the filters and metric selected.

Completed Claims: This view displays the count of claims and requested amount for complete claims by month.

Overridden Complete Claims: This view displays lines Overridden for Complete Claims. User can view Summary and Detail data based on the Override Reason.

Pending Analysis - Complete Claims

This report provides visibility on the pending claims that completed for a specific time. This report provides details on claim visibility, claimant, contract, contract creator, how long the claim pended and if the contract was created or amended before/after the claim pended.

If pendings are not cleared timely, this report is useful for identifying the number of claims cleared for a given timeframe and if the contracts were created or amended after the claim pended, so the timeliness and accuracy of contract entry can be addressed internally.

Note: If claim visibility is null, there is no claim visibility setup for the claimant company in the application.

Pending High Rate Report

This reporting displays either Pending or Complete claims where the Claim Default UOM for the manufacturer is requesting a rate greater than $100.00.

Tolerance Report

This report shows a count of claims, requested total, calculated total, and difference per pend reason. Select a Claim Reason Code, Claim State and Tolerance Difference to view the claims that meet that criteria.

Contract Reporting

There are several different reports available in the Contract Report workbook.

  • 1.Estimated vs. Actuals

This report displays Contract data including the percent of the contract completed and Activity vs. No Activity. The estimated quantity and direct/deviated quantities are displayed for analysis of estimated volume compared to actual volume.

  • 2.Activity vs. No Activity

This report analyzes Activity vs. No Activity and can be filtered by Template, Contract Type, Product/Lumpsum.

  • 3.Exposure by Product

This report shows the Probable Exposure for each contract based on Estimated Volume, Default Pricing, and Contract Pricing.

  • 4.Exposure by Contract Item

This is the same report as #3 but displays data down to the product and/or lumpsum level.

  • 5.Contract Timeliness

This report displays when a contract was created or renewed compared to the contract start date. To view the detail related to the counts, click the numbers in the New or Renewed column in the top grid, and the bottom detail grid will show the related data. To reset the detail grid, just click the value again.

  • 6.Contract Gap Report

This report displays by Contractee Company and Title the portions of the calendar a contract covers. This can be used to find gaps in contract reporting.

Color shades in this report will go from a lighter shade to darker shade with the oldest contract ID as the lightest shade and the newest contract ID with the darkest shade.

  • 7.Zero Fixed Price Report

This report shows claimable contracts which are setup with a $0.00 fixed price for either the direct or deviated pricing. These contracts essentially allow a rebate equal to the product price. These contracts should be updated unless they are for Samples.

  • Contract and Claim Output Reporting

This report allows the user to search for either contract or claims and see a complete list of data based on filter criteria. There are 4 ways to view the information: by contract, by contract product, by claim and by claim product. Export the crosstab report to view all columns in the product-level reports.

  • Lumpsum Report

Ability to view non sku based proposed spend vs. actual spend. For example, the ability to see how much is planned to be spent on foodshows vs. how much has been spent. View by distributor, region, etc.

There are also reports which show complete lumpsum claims and pending lumpsum claims where the reason is Overspent Market Event. There is both a summary and detail report.


  • Lumpsum Analysis

This report displays Claim Lumpsum information for both Pending and Complete claims. The pending view breaks out the information by pending reason. The complete view of the report displays amounts paid per lumpsum.

  • Pended vs. Never Pended Report

This report displays a count of claims and percentage of total claims which pended versus never pended. If a claim is cleared the same day it is created, then it is not counted as a pended claim. Select to show data by invoice year.

  • Deduction Reports

There are several different reports to view Deduction Data

  • By Date and Distributor

  • Deduction Overview

  • By State and Label

  • Over 90 Days Balance

  • Open Deduction Review

  • Balanced Deduction Overview

  • Clearable Deductions

  • Deduction by Date

  • Deduction Summary

  • Open Deduction Aging Report

  • Aged Deductions Over X Days

  • Deduction Clearing Reports

The Deduction Clearing reports show which deductions can be cleared either fully or partially. There are 3 view: Fully Clearable, Partially Clearable Negatives and Partially Clearable Positives.

  • Broker Commissions

Ability to view what was spent on broker commissions by broker, product/product grouping, distributor, timeframe.

  • Customer Overview

The Customer Overview report shows a high-level overview of Sales, Contract, Claim, Accrual, and Deduction information for a specific company and year. If there is no information for a section, it will be blank. The Company Selection dropdown shows the aggregate company - the detail of all the companies included can be viewed in the Company tab.

  • Retail Metrics

The Retail Metrics report displays budget, base, lift, sale and claim data based on the selected timeframe and UOM.

Future Report Development - these reports are not currently available

  • Distributor Business Review

Ability to view a specific distributor and see sales into distribution, spend, contracted vs. street, etc.

Below is a rough draft of the report:

  • Volume Validation

Compares sales into a distributor vs. what that distributor is billing back on operator contracts to make sure they aren’t billing back more than they are actually buying.

  • Unit Level Reporting

Option to view unit/location level data by customer, invoice, etc.

reports_-_itb.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/09 20:35 by tina.robles