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Telus TPM Documentation


Claim Split

Claim Splitting should be used if there are some products and/or lumpsums on a claim that need to be assigned to a different contract, but some of the products and/or lumpsums on the claim are valid against the current contract.

The Claim Split option is available for users who have Claim Edit rights in the Actions menu.

Select the product(s) - the product(s) checked will be removed from the current claim and added to a new claim.

Select the lumpsum(s) - the lumpsum(s) checked will be removed from the current claim and added to a new claim.

After selecting product(s) and/or lumpsum(s), click the Split button. A confirmation message will display with a count of products, lumpsums and notes that will be moved into another claim for this invoice.

Click NO to close the confirmation message and cancel the claim split process. Click YES to continue with the claim split.

A message will display the split claim ID. Click Refresh to view the current claim with the removed products and/or lumpsums.

On the new claim, a record will appear in the Notes & Attachments tab indicating the claim was split, which claim it was split from, and the user who performed the split.

On the new split claim, assign the correct contract and process the claim.

If a claim is matched to an OPEN deduction, it is now able to split that claim without having to remove the deduction number first.

claim_split.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/20 18:32 by tina.robles