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Telus TPM Documentation


Eclaim Processes

This section of help will explain how to load an eclaim using the eclaim template, and the checks the system performs to prevent duplicate eclaim loads.

Another feature of the eclaim process is the ability to have eclaims Auto Submit and/or Auto Approve. This setting is done at the company level and companies with this setting enabled will flow through the eclaim process automatically.

Auto Submit: if a company has this enabled, any eclaim loaded for this claimant will move from draft to submitted and then into a Pend, Hold, Evaluation status.

Auto Approve: if a company has this enabled, any eclaim loaded for this claimant will be auto approved once the claim is submitted (either via auto submit or manually).

Settings at the company level:

Eclaim Template Procedures

Purpose of the Eclaim Template

This template gives any user the ability to take data from an invoice and turn it into an eclaim. This can be used by copying/pasting data from the original submission into this template or even manually typing the data into this spreadsheet.

One to many invoices can go into one template document. NOTE: If you use this template for more than 1 invoice that is what will appear on the claim as the claim attachment backup.


There are 3 worksheets within this template that have fields that need to be filled out.

  1. Invoice_header – this one contains fields required to fill out the invoice header, like the first entry screen when you create a new invoice.
  2. Invoice_product – this one is used for the sku level detail
  3. Invoice_lumpsum – this one is used if there are flat fee lump sum lines that are required for a claim

Fields Defined

Required fields are in bold, italicized and underlined.

Fields where one or the other are required are in bold.

Use a 4-digit year for all dates.


  • File_name – this is the exact name of the file that came in that you are going to input into the template, include the file type extension.
  • Example:
  • Claimant_invoice_number – The invoice number that should be used to load the claim, if none if given use the Dot Foods DE number or the month/year.
  • Example: JAN2016
  • Claimant_company_name – Who is the invoice for, this is the claimant company name
  • Invoice_creation_date – The invoice date, if none is given the end date will be used in this field
  • Invoice_received_date – The date the invoice was received. THIS DATE MUST BE ON OR AFTER THE END DATE OF THE INVOICE.
  • Invoice_start_date – the oldest delivery date for the claim, if this is for an event this date is often the same as the end date. If this one is not filled out it will take the oldest date from the product tab from the distributor invoice date filed. So either this one is required or that one is.
  • Invoice_end date – the newest delivery date for the claim. If this one is not filled out it will take the oldest date from the product tab from the distributor invoice date filed. So either this one is required or that one is.
  • Invoice_type – billback (for invoiced to distributors) or operator billback (for invoices paid to operators)

Invoice_product: (the below required fields are only if the invoice is sku based)

  • claimant_company_name – this should be the same as the first worksheet, who is the invoice for, this is the claimant company name (i.e USF CORPORATE)
  • claimant_invoice_number - this should be the same as the first worksheet, the invoice number that should be used to load the claim, if none if given use the Dot Foods DE number or the month/year.
  • distributor_invoice_number – The purchase invoice number, the PO #
  • distributor_invoice_date – The distributor’s delivery date for that line item. If this one is not filled out the invoice end date will be used
  • claimant_distributor_number – An ID # provided on the invoice for that line item distributor. This is required if the distributor_name below is present. You can use the distributor_name in this field as well if the id is not provided.
  • distributor_name – The line item distributor name
  • distributor_product_sku – The sku the distributor is using for the manufacturers sku. If not provided use the manufacturer sku for this field as well. Required for sku based invoices.
  • distributor_product_description – The words used to describe the product for that line item
  • operator_product_sku – this is the id provided for an operator HQ claim for a given sku, this is not very common as most operator claims provide the distributor product sku.
  • manufacturer_product_sku – this is the manufacturer sku provided. Required for sku based claims.
  • product_gtin – product GTIN number, rarely provided
  • product_upc – product UPC code
  • delivery_date – Line item delivery date, copy the data from the distributor invoice date field here
  • rebate_uom – Cases or Pounds
  • quantity_sold – quantity of cases for that line item
  • rebate_requested_rate – rate per case being requested, only required if the amount is not provided
  • rebate_rate_type - RATE or PERCENT (must be in all CAPS)
  • rebate_requested_amount – total amount being requested for that line item (qty x rate), only required if the rate is not provided
  • package_quantity – pack size if provided for the sku
  • package_unit_of_measure – pack UOM if provided for the sku
  • unit_price – price paid per case
  • extended_price – price paid times the qty
  • claimant_contract_name – this will appear in the claim's contract hint
  • distributor_customer_number – unit level operator company number
  • location_name – unit level operator company name
  • location_address1 – unit level operator address1
  • location_address2 – unit level operator address2
  • location_city – unit level operator city
  • location_state – unit level operator state
  • location_zip – unit level operator zip
  • location_country_code – unit level country CA or US

invoice_lumpsum: (the below required fields are only if the invoice is lumpsum)

  • claimant_company_name – this should be the same as the first worksheet, who is the invoice for, this is the claimant company name
  • claimant_invoice_number - this should be the same as the first worksheet, the invoice number that should be used to load the claim, if none if given use the Dot Foods DE number or the month/year.
  • lumpsum_description – the words used to describe the event being claimed, this will get mapped to an event bucket
  • amount_requested – amount being requested for that lump sum event
  • claimant_contract_name – this will appear in the claim’s contract hint

Process to name the file and save it to the FTP

Once the file is created save it as “1072_inbound_ claim_(manufacturer name)_(initials and date file is being saved to the ftp)

  • Example: 1072_inbound_claim_PIN_tmm11142016.xlsx

Save the template to the specific clients FTP under the from Files\Inbound\From Distributors.

Manufacturer name use: MFG (Manufacturer) where MFG is the 3 letter abbreviation followed by manufacturer name

If you create more than one file a day then add a _1 at the end of the file name, increasing the number by 1 each time.

IMPORTANT: Also, save the original documents to the FTP as well. Make sure to save then with the exact file name noted in the File_name field on the excel document so the process can match it up to the claim created. FTP Login choose your client

FTP Login choose your client

FTP save under Files, Inbound, From_Distributor

Eclaim Load Duplicate Checking

Process to determine duplicates - Eclaim Load:

1. Check for possible Duplicate based on Header information (checks against both what is in the eclaim import tables and what is in the system for claims)

  • Claimant
  • Claimant Name
  • Invoice Number
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Total lines (Note: this is rarely if ever loaded as everything is calculated based on lines loaded)
  • Total Requested Amount (Note: this is rarely if ever loaded as everything is calculated based on lines loaded)

2. Check line level for duplicates for those header rows that have been determined to be possible duplicates

  • Each line is checked for duplicates within eclaim import to prevent loading of duplicates - it requires that all lines match exactly to be considered a duplicate

3. Exact Duplicates are tagged and ignored preventing the load of the invoice from progressing any further

Recap: If we load (2) files they contain the same invoice, but they are not exact matches at the header level, they will not be flagged as a possible duplicate, add into that the change of the claimant to the invoice that you are doing, the second file would not see a possible duplicate in the system either because the claimant being loaded is not the one on the invoice that it should see as a duplicate. Everything for eclaim is based at INVOICE level not claim level.

eclaim_processes.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/22 11:24 by lisa.maloney