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Telus TPM Documentation


File Status

To access File Status, navigate to the Admin menu and select File Status.

A grid will display with the information and status of the file as well as an option to download. The grid data is limited to show only files received within the past year, based on today's date. Files older than a year are not displayed.

To Download the file, click the download button located in the first column of the file row.

When you click on a line item, if the state is Complete, you will see the claim id information at the bottom of the screen.

The File row displays information on the File Name, File Size, Received Date, and Load Date. There are also several true/false columns which indicate where the file is in the loading process as well as a State column which displays the file status.

State Definitions

*NO_ATTACHMENT: File is in the queue to be loaded

*NO_FORMAT_IDENTIFIED: Not able to find the eclaim template for this layout

*NOT_STAGED: File being staged for the import table

*EXCEPTION_ERROR: Check claim exceptions to map the data

*SHOULD_LOAD: Final step prior to loading the claim

*DUPLICATE_FILE: File has been confirmed as a duplicate of an existing file

*COMPLETED_&_DUPE: File contains duplicate invoices and has completed processing producing claims for non-duplicate invoices

*COMPLETED_&_EXCL: File contains excluded invoices and has completed processing producing claims for non-excluded invoices

*COMPLETE: File has completed processing whether via eclaim or manual load

*FILE_SPLIT_TO_LOAD: File has been split into smaller files which are loaded.

*MANUAL_LOAD: File has been determined to be a manual load

*ONBOARDING_HOLD: File has onboarding exceptions that need to be addressed by the onboarding team and are reported via the onboarding exception report which is generated daily and sent to level 2 support for resolution

*PARTIAL_ONBOARDING_HOLD: File contains both processed invoices and invoices with onboarding exceptions that need to be addressed by the onboarding team and are reported via the onboarding exception report which is generated daily and sent to level 2 support for resolution

*ATTACHMENT_ONLY: File is a pass-through file only

*BATCH_LOADED: File loaded as part of a batch of files under a single file_id

*FILE_IGNORED: File was not acceptable to load - reasons located in file_notes in import_file

TRUE: The following are the requirements for “true” to display in each of the columns:


  1. An attachment exists for the file


  1. file has been staged (see staged for meaning)
  2. file has a been sent to be manually loaded
  3. file has been set to IGNORE (DO NOT LOAD) - reason for setting file to ignore is located in the file_note field of import_file
  4. file is a pass-through item only, an ATTACHMENT for the claim/invoice
  5. file is an automated claim and has been assigned a file_metadata_format_id for auto-loading


  1. file has been loaded into import_invoice tables
  2. file has a been sent to be manually loaded
  3. file has been set to IGNORE (DO NOT LOAD) - reason for setting file to ignore is located in the file_note field of import_file
  4. file is a pass-through item (ATTACHMENT_ONLY for the claim/invoice)
  5. file is loaded in a batch load using a single file_id in order to generate a single set of invoices (BATCH_LOAD)
  6. file is split into smaller files which are loaded (FILE_SPLIT_TO_LOAD)
  7. file is a duplicate of another file and will not be loaded (denoted by STATE = DUPLICATE_FILE)


  1. file has been loaded into import_invoice tables
  2. file has a been sent to be manually loaded
  3. file has been set to IGNORE (DO NOT LOAD) - reason for setting file to ignore is located in the file_note field of import_file
  4. file is a pass-through item (ATTACHMENT_ONLY for the claim/invoice)
  5. file is loaded in a batch load using a single file_id in order to generate a single set of invoices (BATCH_LOAD)
  6. file is split into smaller files which are loaded (FILE_SPLIT_TO_LOAD)
  7. file is a duplicate of another file and will not be loaded (denoted by STATE = DUPLICATE_FILE)


  1. file has been loaded into import_invoice tables
  2. file has a been sent to be manually loaded
  3. file has been set to IGNORE (DO NOT LOAD) - reason for setting file to ignore is located in the file_note field of import_file
  4. file is a pass-through item (ATTACHMENT_ONLY for the claim/invoice)
  5. file is loaded in a batch load using a single file_id in order to generate a single set of invoices (BATCH_LOAD)
  6. file is split into smaller files which are loaded (FILE_SPLIT_TO_LOAD)
  7. file is a duplicate of another file and will not be loaded (denoted by STATE = DUPLICATE_FILE)
file_status.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/27 14:01 by tina.robles