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Telus TPM Documentation


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Setting up a new Contract:

Click Create on the Contract menu.

In the contract creation process:

Single Template Scenario: When only one default template is configured in the system, users will be automatically redirected to the Contract Create screen upon initiating the contract creation process.

Multiple Template Scenario: If multiple templates are available, the system will display a Contract Template Selection dialog box. Users must then: a) Choose the appropriate template from the provided dropdown menu. b) Click the “Select” button to confirm their choice. c) Upon confirmation, they will be directed to the Contract Create screen with the selected template.

Contract Create

Contract Structure Overview:

Contract Header: The Contract Header is comprised of four primary sections: a) Family Information b) Date Information c) Version Information d) Termination Information

Supplementary Tabs: The contract interface includes several supplementary tabs for comprehensive management: Products, Lumpsum, Growth, Distributors, Exclusions, Backouts, Client Defined Fields, History, Notes & Attachments, Letters, Contact, Exposure, Claims

Please note: During the initial contract creation process, certain tabs may be inactive or inaccessible. Full tab functionality is typically enabled as the contract progresses through various stages of development and approval.

Below are the details for each section.

Contract Header Information

Contract Creation: Key Data Entry Sections

When initiating a new contract, users are required to input data into three critical sections:

Family Information: Encompasses details applicable to all subsequent renewals and amendments of the contract. Includes configuration settings for accrual reporting.

Date Information (R): Focuses exclusively on the contract's effective start and end dates.

Version Information (A): Contains comprehensive data pertaining to amended versions of the contract.

Nomenclature Distinction: It is important to differentiate between two key identifiers:

Contract Family TITLE: A consistent identifier that remains unchanged across all iterations of the contract. Contract Version NAME: A unique identifier assigned to each amended version, allowing for distinct recognition of individual contract iterations.

Family Info

The information displayed here applies to all renewal and amend versions of the contract.

Contract Title: Enter in a Title for this contract.

Contractee: To select a Contractee, click the search button to open the Company Search.

Company Selection Process

Company Grid Navigation:

View the displayed grid containing active companies configured by the System Administrator A filter row is positioned at the top of the grid for refined searching

Selection Procedure: Locate the desired company or company grouping within the grid Click the appropriate company row to highlight your selection Identify the intended contractee from the available options

Confirmation: Complete the selection process by clicking the “Select” button to proceed

Note: Only active companies that have been previously configured by the System Administrator will be displayed in this grid.

Contractee Selection and Classification

Automatic Field Population: Upon selection of a contractee, the system will automatically populate two key fields: a) Contractee Company Type: Identifies the business category of the contractee (e.g., Distributor, Operator, Broker) b) Contractee Type: Specifies whether the selected entity is a: “Company Grouping” (if part of a larger group) “Company” (if operating independently)

Handling Unlisted Companies: In the event that the desired company is not found in the Company Search: A new operator request can be initiated by clicking the '+' button This feature's availability is contingent upon client-specific settings

Important Note: The majority of manufacturers restrict this option in Trade Promotion Management (TPM) systems, as per standard client configurations

Operator Request Process and Contractee Information

Initiating an Operator Request: Upon clicking the '+' button, the Operator Request dialog box will appear

Completing the Request: Populate all mandatory fields in the Operator Request form Click “Save” to submit the request

Automatic Contractee Assignment: Upon successful submission, the newly created company will be automatically designated as the contractee for the contract in progress

Accessing Contractee Details: To view the contractee's address and additional information, locate and click the Info icon (ℹ️)

Accessing Detailed Company Information Upon clicking the Info icon, the Company Information dialog box will be displayed, providing comprehensive details about the selected company:

Information Categories

Standard Fields: Basic company information

Alternate Address: Secondary or additional address details

Client Defined Fields: Custom fields as specified by the client

Hierarchy: Organizational structure (if an aggregate grouping is defined)

Company Group Exception: If a company group is selected as the contractee, the Info icon will not yield any displayable information

If there is an aggregate company grouping, the Hierarchy tab will be enabled and display a count of records.

There is an option to see Other Contract Exposure when creating a contract. After selecting a Contractee and entering Start and End dates, click the icon.

This will display the products being claimed on other contracts with that contractee for that timeframe.

The Other Contract(s) Direct Rate is a sum of the rate for all contracts with the selected contractee.

Select a Contract Type by choosing a value in the dropdown. The values displayed here will depend on what is set up for the manufacturer.

Contract Types and Payment Mechanisms

Autopay Contracts Feature: Enabled Payment Calendar functionality

Requirement: Selection of manufacturer-defined payment frequency

Application: Designed for Direct Customers or Brokers

Process: TELUS TPM automatically generates claims and payments based on distributor sales data

Note: No manual claims/billbacks required

Standard Contracts Application: Compatible with all company types

Process: Requires company-initiated claims/billbacks for payment processing

Payment: Manual claim submission required

Off Invoice Contracts Application: Exclusive to Direct Customers

Process: TELUS TPM system generates automated claims based on distributor sales

No direct payments processed

Approved contracts transmitted to manufacturer's ERP

Benefit: Enables distributors to receive reduced pricing on invoices

Growth Standard Contracts Feature: Supports Growth pricing structure

Claims: Manual entry permitted

Requirement: Complete baseline claim data needed for growth rate calculations

Restriction: Claims processing available only after contract expiration

Growth Autopay Contracts Feature: Incorporates Growth pricing structure

Claims: Generated post-contract expiration Requirement: Payment Calendar (configured in Client Settings) must extend beyond contract end date

Process: Automated calculation of potential payments

Street Coupon Contracts Purpose: Manages unit-level deals for street-level customers

Implementation: Requires Account Manager involvement

Note: Additional setup procedures required for program processing

Select a Cost Basis Type by choosing a value in the dropdown. The values displayed here will depend on what is set up for the manufacturer.

Delivery Terms and Pricing Implications

Delivered Option

Definition: Manufacturer assumes responsibility for product delivery to distributor location(s)

Cost Structure: Includes integrated freight component in pricing

Contract pricing reflects total cost inclusive of delivery

Application: Select when contractual pricing encompasses complete delivery costs

FOB (Freight On Board) Option

Definition: Distributor assumes responsibility for product collection from manufacturer's facility

Cost Structure: Excludes freight charges from base pricing

Results in reduced overall pricing

Application: Select when- Customer manages product collection independently

Freight costs are excluded from contractual agreement

Pricing structure specifically omits delivery charges

These delivery terms directly impact the final pricing structure and should be selected based on agreed-upon distribution arrangements and cost allocation between parties.

Accrual information - go to the Accrual process section of Help

Date Info

Contract Date Configuration

Date Entry Process:

Navigate to the Date Info section

Input Start Date and End Date using either: Manual date entry Calendar selection interface

Template-Based Date Restrictions: a) Date Range Templates: Contract dates must align with template-defined parameters System validation ensures compliance with specified date ranges Non-compliant dates trigger error notifications indicating acceptable date parameters b) Explicit Timeframe Templates: Start and end dates are automatically populated Fields are locked for editing during contract creation

No manual date modifications permitted

Version Info

Contract Identification: Title and Name Configuration

Initial Contract Creation

Contract Title Field: Mandatory input

Contract Name Field: Optional input

Differentiation Scenario: If distinct identifiers are required: a) Enter unique text in both Contract Title and Contract Name fields b) Click Save to confirm entries

Unified Identification Scenario: If title and name should be identical: a) Enter desired text in Contract Title field only b) Upon saving, system automatically replicates Contract Title text into Contract Name field

Important Note: This auto-population feature is exclusive to the initial contract creation process Not applicable during subsequent contract editing sessions

System-Generated Fields:

Contract ID: Automatically assigned upon saving Contract State: Populated post-save, indicating current status


This section contains any Actions that can be performed on the Contract.

Contract Tabs Defined:

Contract Management: Key Functional Tabs

Products Purpose: Input SKUs/Product IDs associated with the contract

Lumpsum Function: Record event-based financial allocations Application: Ideal for transactions not requiring specific SKU tracking upon claim submission

Distributors Relevance: Applicable to contracts with deviated rebates (indicated by blue columns on the product tab) Purpose: Designate eligible distributors for the contract

Exclusions (Autopay contracts only) Function: Specify partial or complete exclusions of contracted business for designated companies

Backouts (Autopay contracts only) Purpose: Define percentage-based payout reductions for specific company/product combinations

Client Defined Fields Nature: Customizable fields as per manufacturer requirements Function: Capture contract-specific data points

History Purpose: Comprehensive log of all contract modifications

Notes & Attachments Function: Repository for original contract documentation and internal communications Users: Contract creators and approvers

Letters Content: Contract type-specific correspondence options Availability: Enabled post-contract save Note: Varies by manufacturer

Contact Purpose: Track customer communication details for future reference Fields: Email, Name, Phone Number Status: Optional information

Exposure Content: Projected exposure, actual figures, and stacked reporting data

Claims Function: Display all claims generated under the current contract


Product Selection Interface

Display Configuration:

Location: Right-hand grid section

Content: Displays manufacturer-configured: Individual Products Product Groupings

Product Addition Methods: a) Single Item Selection: Left-click desired product/grouping Drag selection to left panel b) Multiple Item Selection: Hold Ctrl key: Select non-consecutive items Hold Shift key: Select consecutive items Drag selected items to left panel

To view the products within a product grouping, hover the cursor over the product grouping.

Product Pricing - Fixed Rate vs. Fixed Price

Pricing Mechanisms and Product Addition

Fixed Rate Pricing

Definition: Predetermined rate per unit of measure (UOM), independent of product cost

Application: Customer payment based solely on contracted rate

Example: $1.50 per case rebate, regardless of purchase price

Caution: $0 Fixed Rate prevents any rebate allocation

Fixed Price Pricing Definition: Specified price for product or product grouping

Rebate Calculation: Difference between fixed price and actual sales price

Example: Fixed Price: $22.00 per case Actual Price: $25.00 per case Resulting Rebate: $3.00 per case

Caution: $0 Fixed Price equates to providing product at no cost

Monitoring: Utilize Tableau for contract verification Path: TPM Standard Reports → Contract Reports → Zero Fixed Price Contracts

Show Purchases Feature Applicability: Direct Customer contracts only

Prerequisites: a) Populated contract start and end dates b) Selected contractee

Functionality: Adds products to contract Sets estimated quantity based on actual purchase quantity

Activation: Click “Show Purchases” button after meeting prerequisites

Show Purchases: Data Retrieval Process

Initial Setup: Access the Show Purchases window

Configure date parameters: From Date: Beginning of desired sales period

To Date: End of desired sales period

Note: Date range must fall within available sales data period

Data Generation: Click the “Load” button to retrieve sales information

Results Display. The system will generate a grid showing: Product listings Purchase quantities Units of Measure (UOM)

Product Selection and Contract Integration

Individual Product Selection:

Activate checkbox adjacent to desired product rows Bulk Selection Options: a) Select All: Choose all displayed products b) Select None: Deselect all products c) Select Invert: Toggle selection status of all products d) Select On Contract: Highlight products currently listed on the contract's Product tab

Utility: Facilitates updating estimated quantities with actual sales data

Benefit: Prevents unintended addition of extraneous products

Contract Integration: After finalizing product selection, click “Add Selected to Contract” button

Product Integration Confirmation Process

System Response: Show Purchases window automatically closes Selected products populate contract display System generates confirmation message detailing: Number of items added Number of items updated

Visual Indicators

Newly added rows: Highlighted Modified rows: Highlighted Status: Checkboxes automatically selected for affected rows Required Action: Review highlighted entries Validate product selections Input or adjust pricing for new and modified rows

How the estimated volume is calculated:

Estimated Quantity Calculation and Contract Integration

Calculation Methodology: a) Daily Purchase Quantity = Total Purchase Quantity / Number of Days in Specified Range b) Estimated Contract Quantity = Daily Purchase Quantity × Contract Duration (in days) c) Final Value: Rounded to nearest whole number

Example: Annual Purchase: 810 units

Daily Quantity: 2.219 units

Contract Period: 01/01/2018 - 01/31/2018 (31 days)

Estimated Quantity: 2.219 × 31 ≈ 69 units

Contract Modification Scenarios:

For existing products during edits, amendments, or renewals: a) Option to update estimated quantity with new purchase data b) Option to retain original estimated quantity

Note: Pricing remains unaffected by quantity updates

Unit of Measure (UOM) Considerations: System accommodates UOM discrepancies (e.g., pounds vs. cases) Automatic conversion applied when adding products via Show Purchases

Product Uniqueness: Each product or product grouping limited to one entry per contract

Product Grid Options

Hide/Show Products

To Hide/Show the Products section, click the Hide Products/Show Products button at the bottom left of the screen.

Select Product Rows

The product rows can be selected by checking the individual boxes, or they can be selected by clicking Select All, Select None or Select Inverted. The Select Inverted button will check any un-checked rows and un-check any checked rows.

Mass Update

Click Mass Update to update multiple rows at once. First, select the products by checking the box at the beginning of the product rows. Then click the Mass Update button.

The Mass Update popup will display. First check a box to enable the field, then select/enter the values. Click Apply to update the selected products.

Estimated Quantity Adjustment Methods

Volume Update Options: a) Actual Data-Based Updates-Availability: Limited to contract renewals only b) Base Data-Based Updates

Process: Select estimated quantity checkbox, Choose “Base data” option, Enter percentage adjustment value

Example: 50% input increases base volume by half

Calculation Implementation:

System applies specified percentage increase to base volume Adjustments reflect proportional changes to original quantities

Note that depending on the Claimant Type, not all fields may be available.

Delete Product

To Delete a product, check the box at the beginning of the product row then click the Delete button on the bottom left of the screen. .

Hidden Columns in the Product Grid

Grid Column Customization

Default Hidden Columns: Allow Inactive Product, Won, Competitive Info, Base Quantity, Objective Quantity

Column Display Process: a) Access Settings: Position cursor within grid to activate cog icon. Click cog icon to open column settings menu b) Column Selection: Navigate to desired column names. Enable visibility by activating corresponding checkboxes

Product Grid Column Specifications

Standard Identification Columns: Item Identifier-Purpose: Product SKU reference number

Item Name-Purpose: Product description

Item Type-Options: Product or Product Grouping

Unit of Measure (UOM)-Specification: Manufacturer-defined options Note: Determines contract pricing basis

Item Price-Purpose: Reference price only Note: Not reflective of contract-specific customer pricing

Volume-Related Columns: 6. Estimated Quantity-Purpose: Projected volume for contract duration Impact: Critical for accurate reporting

Lift Quantity-Feature: User-editable field-Purpose: Record expected incremental volume

Base Quantity-Nature: Non-editable-Source: Data feed population post-save-Purpose: Projects non-promotional sales volume

Direct Rebate Columns (Blue): 9. Rebate Direct Value Type-Options: Numeric or Percent-Application: Contractee-specific deals-Scope: Based on direct manufacturer purchases

Rebate Direct Value-Purpose: Specifies rebate amount/percentage-Format: Based on selected value type

Rebate Direct Type-Options: Fixed Rate or Fixed Price-Impact: Determines rebate calculation method

Deviated Rebate Columns (Pink): 12. Rebate Deviated Value Type-Options: Numeric or Percent-Application: Distributor-specific deals-Scope: Based on contractee sales

Rebate Deviated Value-Purpose: Specifies rebate amount/percentage-Format: Based on selected value type

Rebate Deviated Type-Options: Fixed Rate or Fixed Price-Impact: Determines rebate calculation method

Additional Tracking Columns: 15. Allow Inactive Product-Purpose: Product Grouping management-Function: Controls inactive product eligibility

Won-Purpose: Bid tracking-Impact: Affects Probable Exposure calculations-Access: Editable by authorized users

Competitive Info-Purpose: Bid winner tracking

Access: Editable by authorized users

Growth Contract Specific Columns-Rebate Growth Value Type-Options: Numeric or Percent

Rebate Growth Type-Options: Fixed Rate or Fixed Price

Growth Button-Purpose: Configure tiered growth programs-Reference: See Growth Programs documentation for details

Forecast Information

For clients who send Forecast information and have the client setting checked, additional columns will be available in the Contract Product grid.

Forecast Quantity Integration and Calculation

Forecast Quantity Display Prerequisites:

  1. Contractee selection
  2. Contract start and end dates specification
  3. Product selection from Forecast file
  4. Contract must be saved for display/update

Calculation Methodology: a) Daily Quantity = Total Forecast Quantity / Number of Days in Forecast Period b) Contract Forecast Quantity = Daily Quantity × Contract Duration (in days)

Example: Forecast: 50 units for 01/01/2018-02/28/2018 (59 days), Daily Quantity: 50 / 59 ≈ 0.84 units/day, Contract Period: 01/01/2018-01/31/2018 (31 days), Contract Forecast Quantity: 0.84 × 31 ≈ 26.27 units

Unit of Measure (UOM) Considerations: System performs automatic UOM conversion if contract and forecast UOMs differ

Product Grouping Calculations: Forecast quantity represents sum of all products within grouping Exclusion mechanism: Prevents double-counting when individual products and their grouping are on the same contract

Company Grouping Aggregation: For Company Grouping contractees, forecast quantity represents sum of all constituent companies

Uptick Column: Purpose: Displays variance between Estimated Quantity and Forecast Quantity

Mass Update Feature- Function: Aligns Estimated Quantity with Forecast Quantity Process: Select relevant product rows and click “Mass Update” Options: Set Estimated Quantity equal to or increased from Forecast Quantity

Forecast Quantity Modification Process

Row Activation:

  • Enable modification by selecting Estimated Quantity checkbox
  • Choose “Forecast Data” from Modification Type options

Quantity Adjustment:

  • For exact forecast matching: Enter 0.00%
  • For percentage increase: Enter desired percentage value

Finalize changes: Click “Apply” button

Critical Update Requirements: System requires contract save for Forecast Quantity updates when modifying:

  • Contractee
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Product additions/removals
  • Product Grouping additions/removals
  • Unit of Measure (UOM) changes

Product Grouping Pricing Options

Product Grouping and Pricing Hierarchy Management

Pricing Precedence

Principle: Lowest-level pricing takes priority

  • Application: Add both Product Grouping and specific products/subgroups when differentiated pricing is required

Zero-Rate Implications:

  • Scenario: $0 Fixed Rate applied to lower-level items
  • Result: Generates “Explicit Contract Rate Zero” pending/reject reason
  • Scope: Affects specific SKU or subgroup members only
  • Benefit: Allows payment for other products within parent grouping

Product Hierarchy Verification:

  • Method: Hover mouse over product group name
  • Display: Pop-up list of group members
  • Interpretation: Absence of pop-up indicates empty product grouping
  • Implication: Contract pricing will not apply to any products

Empty Grouping Caution: Risk: Pricing on contract may not be applied as intended Recommendation: Verify product group contents before finalizing contract

Competitive Info

Add data to the Competitive Info section to track data for the manufacturer who won the bid.

Don't forget to click Save!

LumpSum Tab

Lump Sum Allocations: Non-SKU Based Funding

The Lump Sum tab allows for the allocation of funds to contractees that are not associated with specific SKUs. This feature provides flexibility for non-product-based financial arrangements.


  • Locate eligible lump sums on the right panel, as configured by your Administrator.
  • Drag desired lump sums to the left panel.
  • Provide a description and specify the amount for each lump sum.
  • Add multiple lump sums as needed. Each addition will increase the contract's Probable Exposure.

Note: Lump sums can be added multiple times within a contract. Each instance requires a unique, manually entered description.

Product-Level Allocation (Optional Feature)

For clients requiring all expenditures to be allocated at the product level, lump sums can be distributed across products by percentage. This functionality is governed by a client-specific setting.

When enabled:

  • Add lump sum events as usual.
  • Product Allocation columns will appear at the end of the grid.
  • Allocate percentages of the lump sum to relevant products.

Configuring Product Allocations

  • Select “Open” to access the allocation settings
  • In the Lump Sum Product Allocation window, locate and click the “Add Products” button at the bottom of the interface

Product Allocation Configuration

  • Select the relevant products for allocation from the product list
  • Click “Select” to import the chosen products
  • Specify the allocation percentage for each selected product

Product Selection Tabs

  • Contract Products Tab: Displays products currently associated with the active contract.
  • All Products Tab: Shows the complete product list as defined in the contract's source template.

Allocation Requirements and Constraints

  • Total allocation must sum to 100% for successful saving
  • Minimum allocation per product: 1%
  • Maximum number of products allowed: 100
  • Zero percent (0%) allocations are not permitted
  • Quick Allocation: Use the “Allocate Evenly” button to automatically distribute percentages equally across selected products.

Click OK to save the data.

Removing Product Allocations

  • Select the target allocation row in the Lump Sum Product Allocation window
  • Click “Delete Selected” to remove the highlighted allocation

Distributors Tab

Distributor Eligibility for Deviated Pricing Contracts

When establishing contracts with deviated fixed rates or pricing, designating authorized distributors ensures accurate validation of billback claims and rebate eligibility.

Available Distributor Views:

  • Distributors Tab-Displays individual operating companies (OpCos),Lists location-specific details including city and state, Enables selection at the individual facility level
  • Distributor Groupings Tab-Shows corporate-level distributor entities, Allows efficient selection of multiple locations under one corporate umbrella

Example: Selecting a corporate group (e.g., Sysco Corporation) automatically includes all associated OpCos

Exclusions Tab

Contract Exclusions Management

Purpose: Exclusions modify standard contract rates for specific entities within the contract, accommodating tiered memberships or existing manufacturer agreements. These adjustments can range from reduced rates to complete payment exclusions.

Example Scenario:

  • In buying group contracts with tiered memberships. Some distributors may receive 50% of the standard contract rate, others may be excluded from payments due to pre-existing manufacturer agreements
  • Configuration Process: Company-Level Exclusions-Use the filter tools to locate the company- Select and drag the company row to the grid
  • Specific Exclusions- Company-Product: Select both company and product rows, Company-Product Grouping: Select company and relevant product group
  • Drag selected combinations to the grid

Exclusion Configuration Results

  • Upon successful entry, the grid will display:
  • Company details
  • Product information
  • Percentage adjustment fields for each entry row

Reduction Percent

Rate Reduction Calculation Guide

The entered reduction percentage decreases the standard contract rate proportionally. Example:

  • Standard Contract Rate: 4%
  • Desired Rate: 3%
  • Required Reduction: 25%

Formula: To achieve a lower target rate, enter the percentage reduction that will decrease the standard rate to the desired level.

Backout Tab

Backout Configuration for Cross-Contract Volume Adjustments

Purpose: Backouts adjust earnings on the current contract based on volume claimed under separate contracts. This mechanism ensures accurate financial reconciliation across multiple agreements.

Scenario Example:

  • USF Corp contract backout for Outback Corp on cheese products:
  • Any cheese volume claimed on Outback billbacks by USF distributors
  • During the USF Corp contract period
  • Will be deducted from earnings on the USF Corp contract

Configuration Process: Company-Level Backouts

  • Utilize filter tools to locate the relevant company
  • Select and drag the company row to the grid
  • Specific Backouts
  • Company-Product: Select both company and product rows
  • Company-Product Grouping: Select company and applicable product group
  • Drag selected combinations to the grid

Backout Entry Results

Upon completion, the grid displays:

  • Company information
  • Product details
  • Percentage adjustment fields per row

Reduction Percent

Backout Rate Calculation Guide

The entered reduction percentage decreases the standard contract rate proportionally for backout calculations. Example:

  • Standard Contract Rate: 4%
  • Desired Backout Rate: 3%
  • Required Reduction: 25%

Formula: To achieve the target backout rate, enter the percentage reduction that will decrease the standard rate to the desired level.

Note: The reduction percentage represents the proportion by which the original rate should be decreased, not the final backout rate itself. This ensures accurate adjustment of earnings based on cross-contract volume claims.

Client Defined Fields Tab

Custom Contract Fields (User Defined Fields)

Your organization may implement custom tracking fields to capture contract-specific information:

Field Requirements:

  • Required fields are marked with a red asterisk (*)
  • Unmarked fields are optional

Note: These customizable fields are configured according to your organization's specific requirements and can be set as either mandatory or optional based on business needs.

History Tab

Contract Audit Trail

This section provides a comprehensive chronological record of all contract-related activities.

Tracked Information:

  • Contract submissions
  • Approval or rejection events
  • Amendments
  • Renewals
  • Other significant contract actions

Each entry in the audit trail includes:

  • User identification (Who)
  • Action description (What)
  • Timestamp (When)

This detailed log ensures full transparency and accountability throughout the contract lifecycle.

Notes & Attachments Tab

Notes and Attachments: Cross-Version Continuity

Key Features:

  • Notes and attachments persist across all versions of a contract
  • The Identifier column specifies the originating contract version for each entry
  • This continuity ensures comprehensive documentation throughout the contract's evolution.

Adding New Entries: To include additional notes or attachments, select the “Add” button located at the bottom left of the interface.

This functionality maintains a cohesive record of all relevant information, regardless of contract version.

Note Editor and Attachment Management

Note Creation:

  • Enter text directly or paste from external sources
  • Apply formatting using available toolbar options
  • Optional: Notify specific users via email functionality

Attachment Process:

  1. Access attachment interface via “Update Files” button
  2. Select file(s) for upload using system dialog
  3. Confirm selection with “Open”

Key Features:

  • Multiple attachments supported per note
  • Batch file upload capability
  • Rich text formatting options
  • User notification system

Additional Attachment Options and Notifications

Alternative File Upload Method:

  • Drag and drop files directly from your local folders to the “Draft Files” area
  • This method offers a streamlined approach to file attachment

User Notification:

  1. To alert relevant parties about the new note:
  2. Locate and click the “Notify Accounts” button
  3. Select appropriate recipients from the available list

Recipient Selection for Note Notifications

Accessing the Selection Interface:

  • The “Select Accounts” window provides user notification options

Recipient Search and Selection:

  1. Utilize the top row filter to search for specific users
  2. Highlight desired recipient rows for selection
  3. For multiple selections: Use Shift key for contiguous selections, Use Ctrl key for non-contiguous selections

Finalizing Note Creation and Notification

Confirmation of Notified Users:

  • Selected recipients appear at the top of the Note Editor interface

Saving and Display:

  • After completing note content, adding attachments, and selecting recipients, click “Save”
  • The Notes & Attachments grid will update to reflect: Formatted text as entered in the Note Editor and a count of associated attachments in the dedicated column

Note and Attachment Options


  • Select “Close” to exit without saving changes

Flexibility in Documentation:

  • Notes and attachments can be added independently
  • Neither field is mandatory

Options include:

  • Note only
  • Attachment only
  • Both note and attachment

Letters Tab

Post-Approval Contract Communications

Contract Letters Distribution System

Two Types of Notification Letters:

  • Contractee Letters: Communicate pricing and rebate details
  • Distributor Billback Letters: Detail rebate structures
    • Incorporates Private Label Group logic
    • Products in Private Label Groups appear only on relevant distributor letters

Navigation Features:

  • Advanced filtering options at grid top
  • Sortable columns for efficient company letter location

Note: Private Label Group products are exclusively visible on letters to distributors within their designated groups, ensuring confidentiality and appropriate information distribution.

Accessing Contract Letters

For detailed information on letter construction, please refer to the Client Letter Administration guide. client_letter_admin

Post-Approval Letter Retrieval Process:

  1. Once the contract is approved, locate and click the “Download” button
  2. In the resulting “Letter Downloaded” window: Use the dropdown menu to select the desired letter

Optional Letter Customization

Additional Verbiage Feature (If Enabled):

  • Supplementary text sections appear in the dropdown menu
  • Custom text entry is optional
    • Add specific content as needed
    • Leave blank if no additional text is required

Note: This feature's availability is determined by manufacturer-specific letter settings and may not be accessible for all contracts.

Letter Generation and Access

Export Format:

  • PDF is the sole available format for letter export

Generation Process:

  1. Click “Generate Report” to initiate letter creation
  2. The system will process the request

Accessing the Generated Letter:

  • Upon completion, a hyperlink appears in the Generated Reports window
  • Click the hyperlink to open and view the PDF letter

Exiting Letter Download Interface

To return to the main interface:

  • Select the “Close” button located in the bottom right corner

This action will close the download window and return you to the previous screen.

Contact Tab

Contract Contact Information

This section provides key details for the primary contact associated with the contract:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Phone number

Purpose: To maintain a centralized record of the key contact for this agreement. This information facilitates:

  • Efficient communication during the contract's active period
  • Streamlined renewal processes
  • Continuity in contract management

By keeping this information readily accessible, you ensure smooth communication channels throughout the contract lifecycle.

Exposure Tab

Exposure Generation

To calculate contract exposure:

  • Locate and select the “Generate” button in the bottom right corner

This action initiates the contract exposure calculation process.

Exposure Data Generation and Display

Process Results:

  • System generates exposure calculations and stacked data
  • Information is organized across multiple tabs

Volume Management: For contracts with extensive company listings:

  • System will prompt for data limitation
  • Use company name dropdown to select specific companies for display
  • This feature allows for focused analysis of relevant data sets

Note: This selective display capability ensures efficient system performance while maintaining access to critical information.

Exposure Analysis Overview

Summary Tab Contents:

  • Exposure projections
  • Actual figures
  • Remaining amounts

For a comprehensive understanding of the Exposure tab and its calculations, please refer to the “Probable Exposure Explained” section in the Help Documents.

Claims Tab

Contract Claims Management

Claims Overview: This section displays all claims associated with the current contract version.

Accessing Claim Details:

  • Click on the hyperlinked Claim ID to view comprehensive claim information

Submitting a New Claim:

  • Locate and select the “New” button at the bottom left of the interface

Saving your Contract

Finalizing Contract Actions

Save Contract:

  • Click “Save” in the Actions box (top right)
  • Contract will be stored in Draft status

Contract Removal:

  • If contract creation was unintended, select “Revert”
  • This action discards all entered information

Note: Ensure all required information is accurate before saving or reverting, as these actions directly affect contract status.

Submitting your Contract

Contract Submission Process

When the contract is finalized and ready for review:

  1. Locate the “Submit” button in the top right corner
  2. Click “Submit” to initiate the approval process

System Actions:

  • Contract status changes from “Draft” to “Submitted”
  • Approval process is activated


  • A notification will appear, confirming the submission
  • The current contract status will be displayed

This action moves the contract into the formal review and approval workflow.

setting_up_a_new_contract.1737658115.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/23 18:48 by tina.robles