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Renewing a Contract

To renew a contract, open the contract and select Renew from the Actions section on the top right of the screen.

This will enable the fields in the Date Info section as well as the Contract Name in the Version Info section. The Product, LumpSum, Distributor data, etc. is carried over to the renewal, but the Products and/or Lumpsums can be added or removed, Pricing can be changed and Distributors can be added or removed.

Enter in the End Date for the renewal. The Start Date and End Date can not overlap with other versions of the contract.

Estimated Volume - Update based on Actuals

To update the Estimated Volume on the Renewed contract based on Actuals paid against the previous contract, first save the renew version of the contract. Then edit the contract and select the product rows and click on the Mass Update option at the bottom of the Products screen.

Click the checkbox for Estimated Quantity and select the Actual Data option in the dropdown.

This will update the label to Modify by Percent and allow a percentage to be entered. To keep the actual volume per product as the new volume on the renewed contract, keep the default percent of 0.00%. To increase the actual volume by a specific percent, enter that value. In the example below, all products actual volume will be increased by 5.00%.

Click Apply to update the volume for all products on the contract.

Contract Notes do not carry over, so be sure to add any necessary notes on the Renewed Contract.

Click Save in the Actions section at the top right of the screen to save changes.

To return to the prior version of the contract and cancel the renew process, click Revert. A confirmation dialog will display. Click Yes to return to the prior version of the contract without saving changes. Click No to remain on the renewed version of the contract.

When you are ready to submit the contract to be approved, click the Submit button.

The Contract ID now shows that this is the 1st renewal to the contract since the original version was renewed. The Renew action updates the R value, so the Contract version is R1.A0

(Note: for contracts that have no renewals or amendments, the Contract ID is followed by R0.A0.)

renewing_a_contract.1588075130.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/28 11:58 by lisa.maloney