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Admin: Product Admin: Product Admin

To view information for an existing Product, highlight the product row in the grid to view the product information in the Fields below the grid.

Setting up a new Product.

There will be 3 ways to set up a new product. We'll go through all 3 in detail:

1.  Manually key products in one at a time
2.  Upload an Excel spreadsheet all at once (future implementation)
3.  Set up an automated data feed from your ERP 

Manually Keying in a Product

To Add a New Product, simply enter the product information into the default text boxes and click Save. If a product is already displaying in the fields - either a newly entered product or a product that has been viewed - click the Clear button at the bottom of the screen to clear that product, then begin entering data for a new product. Don't forget to Save changes!

Enter each product in one at a time by entering in the needed info for each product.

1. Product Name:         The description of the product
2. Product Number:       The number you typically use to define the SKU number.  Some mfgrs use the full 14 digit GTIN, some use a UPC, some use a much smaller number to help people remember it.
3. GTIN:                 The industry is going in this direction. This is the Global Tracking Identification Number.  It's nice to have since more and more people are using it.
4. Brand Name:           The brand this specific product falls into.
5. Pack:                 Number of Inner Packings.
6. Size:                 Weight of each Inner Packing.
7: Size UOM:             Defines the Size weight type.
8. Pack/Size/Size UOM:   This represents a combination field of Pack/Size/Size UOM.  
9. Active Indicator:     This if you want this product to be visible when people build contracts
10. Default Price:       Average price of this product which will be used in determining Probable Exposure[[probable_exposure_explained]], reporting, and Rate Conversion[[rate_conversion_explained]]
11. Default Selling UOM: What do you typically sell this product by?  Is it by the pound, by case?  The dropdown comes from the UOM's the Admin person set up for your company in the UOM Type Admin section.
12. UOM Rates:           Now that you picked your default UOM, here you can enter the conversion factors.  For example in the picture above we're saying there are 72 little cereal boxes in this case and the whole case is 10 lbs.

Next, enter in the Default Price, Selling UOM and UOM Rate information. Be sure to indicate whether the product is Active or Inactive.

If the Product is a Private Label, select the Private Label Group from the dropdown. When this product is added to a contract, it will be visible on the Distributor Billback Letter only for companies within the selected group.

The Client Defined Fields section will display if the Manufacturer has specific Product level Client Defined Fields. (Note: This section will not display if no product level client defined fields are set up.)

Remember to click Save after editing or adding a new record.

Upload an Excel spreadsheet (future implementation)

If you have hundreds of products you probably don't want to key them all in manually one at a time. Here you can load them all at once.

Automating a Product Feed

If you have the technical resources available, we can work with you to set up an automated feed right out of your ERP system that updates your product list daily/weekly. This way you don't have to worry about missing out on new products not being available for contract creation. Please call us if this is the route you want to take.

product_set_up.1494928126.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/16 09:48 by lisa.maloney