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Admin: Product Admin: Product Grouping Admin

The Product Grouping is broken out into two screens:

The Product Grouping Definition is where the Groupings are defined and organized into a product grouping hierarchy.

The Product Grouping Association is where the Products will be added to the previously defined Groupings.

Finding Records with the Hierarchy

To find where a Product is within the hierarchy, select (highlight) the row within the grid. Then click the Cycle through item in Hierarchy button. Each time the button is clicked, it will move through all locations in the hierarchy where the selected row is a member.

There is also an option to Expand All and Collapse All of the hierarchy.

Product Grouping Definition

There will be 2 ways to manage the Product Grouping Definition. We will go through both in detail:

1. Manually key in the Product Grouping Description one at a time via Product Grouping Definition Screen

  • Should only occur if you do not have a data feed or you have added the product prior to its availability in its data feed.
  • If you’re sending the data via a data feed, the product group cd must match how it will be setup in your ERP system otherwise the product will error and create a master feed exception.

2. Set up an automated data feed from your ERP via 1033 Product Grouping. 1033_product_group_yyyymmddhhmmss.csv (Best Practice)

  • Please reach out to your Account Manager for our Preferred File layout to set this up. Account manager will loop in Project Manager to establish this feed if not already setup.

Product Grouping Definition: Manual Entry

Go to Admin>Product>Grouping Definition. The Product grouping definitions are defined and organized into a hierarchy on this screen. To enter a new product group,click Add. This will open the Create new Definition editor on the right. Enter the Grouping Definition and Grouping CD and click Save.

Please note, if you are managing the product group association via the data feed, the product group CD must match the grouping code coming over on the 1030_Product feed or it will create a master feed exception.

The newly entered group will display on the grid.

To move that group into an existing hierarchy, click the row and drag and drop the group to the desired location. Once an item is moved into a grouping the changes are automatically saved.

If an existing group need to be edited or made inactive, click the group row and the editor will display on the right. Click Save after making changes or click Cancel to revert changes. Clicking the X will close the editor.

Product Grouping Association

To add Products to the Product Groupings previously defined, navigate to the Product Grouping Association screen. The grid displays all products. The first column indicates if a product is a member of a grouping. If false, the product is not yet assigned to a group. If true, the product is assigned to a group. Select a product row then click the Cycle through item in Hierarchy button and the product grouping hierarchy on the right will display where that product is in the hierarchy.

The information in the grouping hierarchy is displayed in alphabetical order by name followed by product group number or product number.

To add a product to a grouping, select the product row and drag and drop it to the appropriate place in the hierarchy. The hierarchy member will highlight blue to indicate where the product is being placed. To help locate a product, the columns can be sorted and filtered.

Click Save after making updates!

product_grouping.1738007714.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/27 19:55 by tina.robles