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Cancelling a Contract

To Cancel a contract, open the contract and select Cancel from the Actions section on the top right of the screen.

A contract can only be Cancelled if it is in a Draft or Evaluation state, and only the Contract Creator or Approver of the contract has the ability to Cancel the contract.

After clicking Cancel, a confirmation message will appear. To continue cancelling the contract select Yes and the status will be updated to Cancelled. Click No to close the confirmation message without updating the contract state.

A Cancelled Contract is Non-Claimable.

Un-Cancelling a Contract

Users with permissions have the option to Un-Cancel a contract in a Cancelled state.

A cancelled contract cannot be UN-cancelled if there is another contract for that timeframe which is in Draft, Evaluation or Terminated. If there is NOT a contract in any of those statuses it can be UN-cancelled.

cancelling_a_contract.1535624292.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/30 10:18 by lisa.maloney