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Deduction Auto Match Settings and Rule Configuration

Deduction Settings The deduction settings allow for automatic matching of claims to deductions by modifying information in specified fields. The following options are available:

Field Modification Options

IMPORTANT: When using these settings, it is recommended that if you turn a setting on you do it for all three fields – Claim invoice, Deduction Hint, and Deduction Invoice

Allow contains: This will look for matches between the three fields (deduction hint, deduction invoice, and claim invoice). This approach enhances match accuracy by identifying partial matches rather than requiring exact correspondence. Example: Deduction invoice 012345/P/0456, claim invoice 12345

Match options: This is used for customers where the deduction customer names are different company id than what is used on the claims. Example: Deduction is the Plan to company id and the claims are at the Ship to company id.

Stripping Alpha: Removes all alphabetic characters from the field.

Stripping Characters: Removes any non-alphanumeric characters from the field.

Stripping Zeros: Removes all leading zeros from the field.

Note: If a claim is already matched to a deduction, it will not be matched to another deduction.

Configurable Fields

A) Allow contains Match on comparison Fields

B) Match Claimant

  1. Parent Grouping
  2. Buying Group

C) Match deduction

  1. Parent Grouping
  2. Buying Grouping

D) Strip Alpha

  1. Deduction Invoice
  2. Claim Invoice
  3. Deduction Hint

E) Strip Characters

  1. Deduction Invoice
  2. Claim Invoice
  3. Deduction Hint

F) Strip Leading Zeros Deduction Invoice

  1. Deduction Invoice
  2. Claim Invoice
  3. Deduction Hint

Below are a few examples of what settings would need to be true for the below to auto match.


  1. Deduction customer name/id – PFG NJ 44444
  2. Deduction Invoice num = 0168129/P/0410
  3. Claimant Claim name/id = PFG New Jersey 12345
  4. Claim Invoice num = 168129
  5. Deduction Hint = (blank)
  6. Recommendation: The deduction invoice number contains extra information compared to the claim. The 0 in front and al the data after the 9. Also, the company ids are different. They are the same company but different levels in the distributor hierarchy.

Strip leading zeros from Deduction invoice number

Strip characters from Deduction invoice number

Contains setting on

Match claimant to parent group and match deduction company to parent

Ben E Keith Edmond

  1. Deduction customer name/id – BEK Edmond 787878
  2. Deduction Invoice num = FOK6661029702-00
  3. Claimant Claim name/id = BEK Edmond 787878
  4. Claim Invoice num = 66610297
  5. Deduction Hint = (blank)
  6. Recommendation: The deduction invoice numbers has extra alpha in the front and extra numbers and characters after the 7

Strip alpha from Deduction invoice number

Strip characters from Deduction invoice number

Contains setting on


  1. Deduction customer name/id = Kroger 22222
  2. Deduction Invoice num = 0090222423-CM
  3. Claimant Claim name/id = Kroger 22222
  4. Claim Invoice num = 90222423
  5. Deduction Hint = (blank)
  6. Recommendation: The deduction invoice numbers has extra zeros in the front and an extra character and letters after the 3

Strip leading zeros from Deduction invoice number

Strip alpha from Deduction invoice number

Strip characters from Deduction invoice number

Contains setting on

Dot Foods

  1. Deduction customer name/id = Dot Foods 12345
  2. Deduction Invoice num = DEE8618076
  3. Claimant Claim name/id = Sygma Denver Dot 87910
  4. Claim Invoice num = 2024 KDM_215685
  5. Deduction Hint = DEE-8618076
  6. Recommendation: The deduction hint contains a character (-) but the invoice number does not. Strip leading zeros from Deduction invoice number

Strip characters from Deduction hint

Deduction AGG will take care of the completely different company names so no setting needed for that part

Auto Set Labels These rules will only work on OPEN deductions with a label of NONE.

Adding a new rule 1. Click the “Add Deduction Rule” button

2. Provide a rule name and select the deduction label to auto-set

3. Begin creating the rule criteria.

Important – the criteria always should be on top, then the criteria

Example – if you want invoice contains DE or DEE then the OR should first then the invoice criteria below the OR

Use the dark plus icon to add AND/OR logic for multiple criteria.

Use the light plus icon to add parameters to your rule.

Parameter Configuration

1. Select the field from the dropdown menu (includes all deduction screen fields and custom CDF fields).

2. Choose the appropriate condition for the selected field.

3. Enter the specific criteria value.

The second box is how to look at the criteria, the choices will change based off the field you choose in the first box

If you make a mistake, you can click the trash can icon to delete the information

Condition Options

1) Equal to

2) Contains

3) Not contains

4) Starts with

5) Ends with

6) Total Characters

7) Greater than

8) Less than

Value is where you add the specific criteria

Saving and Modifying Rules

Click the “Save” button in the bottom right corner to save your rule configuration.

To remove a rule, click the delete button on the far right side of the rule's row.

By following these procedures, you can efficiently set up and manage deduction auto-match settings and rules, streamlining the claim matching process.

Updating data for a line

Double click on the line and the screen will pop up so you are able to make edits.

Deduction Scoring

Match Score Calculation (0-4 points):

1. Company to company or company to deduction aggregator parent match (1 point)

2. Deduction amount requested matches claim invoice's amount requested within $0.01 (1 point)

3. Deduction number matches claim's deduction hint OR deduction invoice number matches claim's deduction hint OR deduction invoice number matches claim's invoice number (2 points)

Score Interpretation:

• 4: Absolute match (company, invoice/hint, amount)

• 3: Invoice/hint match AND either company or amount match

• 2: Invoice/hint match OR company and amount match

• 1: Either company or amount match

• 0: No matches

Eligibility Criteria:


• Not in DRAFT or HOLD state


• Requested amount not fully tied to deductions


• In OPEN state

• Amount requested not fully tied to claims

• Deduction number doesn't contain client's automatch_deduction_number_exclusion_pattern (if applicable)

Match Pass Sequence:

1. Credit Matches (Exact, Any Hint): C2C: Company-to-Company, one side negative

P2C: Parent-to-Company, one side negative

G2G: Group-to-Group, one side negative (if enabled)

2. Debit Matches (Exact, Any Hint): C2C: Company-to-Company, both sides positive

P2C: Parent-to-Company, both sides positive

G2G: Group-to-Group, both sides positive (if enabled)

3. Fuzzy Matches (Open Debit, Open): DedNumHint: Deduction number matches hint, amounts match

DistInvNumHint: Deduction invoice number matches hint, amounts match

4. Score-Match-Singleton: Utilizes the scoring system defined above

This structure provides a clear, professional overview of the deduction matching process, highlighting the key components and their relationships.

auto_matching_rules.1728417980.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/08 20:06 by tina.robles