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Deduction Auto Matching

We have these settings:

  • strip leading zeros deduction invoice - if true leading zeros are removed
  • strip leading zeros claim invoice - if true leading zeros are removed
  • strip alpha deduction invoice - if true alpha characters are removed
  • strip alpha claim invoice - if true alpha characters are removed
  • match claimant to parent grouping - if true matches claimant to parent grouping
  • match claimant to buying grouping - if true matches claimant to buying grouping
  • match deduction company to parent grouping - if true matches deduction company to parent grouping
  • match deduction company to buying grouping - if true matches deduction company to buying grouping
  • automatch_deduction_number_exclusion_pattern character varying - this setting is a pattern of text entered where if it matches the deduction number it does not try to automatch. Example: if “DE” is entered it would not attempt an automatch on deduction numbers that have DE in them.

Based on these settings, we will do different things for auto-matching.

Note that during the automatch process, if a claim is already matched to another deduction, it will not match to a different deduction even if the score is 3 or higher.

First thing we do is get a list of deductions which need to be matched, and optionally strip leading zeros and alpha characters from the invoice number.

Next we get a list of claims and do the same to the invoice number there based on its settings.

First Pass: match is exact (with the previously applied settings for invoice number manipulation):

  • Claim company = deduction company – includes aggregate companies
  • AND (claim invoice number = deduction invoice number OR claim deduction number hint = deduction invoice number OR claim deduction number hint = deduction number)
  • AND claim invoice amount requested = deduction amount remaining
  • AND there is enough money left on the deduction / claim to match

Second Pass:

  • (claim buying group = deduction buying group OR claim parent group = deduction parent group) – uses the settings to know if it should do the match on buying / parent group
  • AND (claim invoice number = deduction invoice number OR claim deduction number hint = deduction invoice number OR claim deduction number hint = deduction number)
  • AND claim invoice amount requested = deduction amount remaining
  • AND there is enough money left on the deduction / claim to match

Third Pass:

  • claim deduction number hint = deduction number
  • AND there is enough money left on the deduction / claim to match

Final Pass:

  • +1 for deduction company matching claimant (or match from company to deduction agg parent, or parent to parent)
  • +1 for deduction_amount_requested matching claim's invoice_amount_requested within 1 penny
  • +2 for deduction distributor_invoice_number matching claim invoice's invoice_number
  • +2 for deduction number matching claim deduction hint or deduction distributor invoice number matching claim hint.

If the score is higher than the client's minimum deduction match score and no other claim invoices match the minimum score, the claim(s) will be auto matched.

auto_matching_rules.1695289930.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/21 09:52 by lisa.maloney