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Deduction Auto Matching

We have these settings:

  • strip leading zeros deduction invoice - if true leading zeros are removed
  • strip leading zeros claim invoice - if true leading zeros are removed
  • strip alpha deduction invoice - if true alpha characters are removed
  • strip alpha claim invoice - if true alpha characters are removed
  • match claimant to parent grouping - if true matches claimant to parent grouping
  • match claimant to buying grouping - if true matches claimant to buying grouping
  • match deduction company to parent grouping - if true matches deduction company to parent grouping
  • match deduction company to buying grouping - if true matches deduction company to buying grouping
  • automatch_deduction_number_exclusion_pattern character varying - this setting is a pattern of text entered where if it matches the deduction number it does not try to automatch. Example: if “DE” is entered it would not attempt an automatch on deduction numbers that have DE in them.

Based on these settings, we will do different things for auto-matching.

Note that during the automatch process, if a claim is already matched to another deduction, it will not match to a different deduction even if the score is 3 or higher.

First thing we do is get a list of deductions which need to be matched, and optionally strip leading zeros and alpha characters from the invoice number.

Next we get a list of claims and do the same to the invoice number there based on its settings.

First Pass: match is exact (with the previously applied settings for invoice number manipulation):

  • Claim company = deduction company – includes aggregate companies
  • AND (claim invoice number = deduction invoice number OR claim deduction number hint = deduction invoice number OR claim deduction number hint = deduction number)
  • AND claim invoice amount requested = deduction amount remaining
  • AND there is enough money left on the deduction / claim to match

Second Pass:

  • (claim buying group = deduction buying group OR claim parent group = deduction parent group) – uses the settings to know if it should do the match on buying / parent group
  • AND (claim invoice number = deduction invoice number OR claim deduction number hint = deduction invoice number OR claim deduction number hint = deduction number)
  • AND claim invoice amount requested = deduction amount remaining
  • AND there is enough money left on the deduction / claim to match

Third Pass:

  • claim deduction number hint = deduction number
  • AND there is enough money left on the deduction / claim to match
auto_matching_rules.1692902544.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/24 18:42 by lisa.maloney