Unmatched Grouping
The Unmatched Grouping widget displays a count of records that are not assigned to a grouping.
Contract Approval: Displays the users who are not part of an approval group. All users who enter in contracts should be part of an approval process. If there are users who don’t enter contracts, a group can be created in the Contract Approval Definition Admin screen labeled “Not Part of the Approval Process” and then users who aren’t part of any approval hierarchy can be assigned to that group.
Contract Visibility – User: Displays the users who are not part of a contract visibility group.
Contract Visibility – Company: Displays the companies which are not part of a contract visibility group.
Contract Visibility – Company Grouping: Displays the company groups which are not part of a contract visibility group.
Claim Visibility – User: Displays the users who are not part of a claim visibility group.
Claim Visibility – Company: Displays the companies which are not part of a claim visibility group.
Company Parent: Displays companies which are not assigned to a parent company group. If there are company records which don’t have a parent company, a new Parent Group could be added in the Company Grouping Parent Definition Admin screen called “No Parent Group” and then records which don’t have a parent company can be assigned to that group.
Company Buying Group: Displays companies which are not assigned to a buying group. If there are company records which don’t have a Buying company, a new Buying Group could be added in the Company Grouping Buying Group Definition Admin screen called “No Buying Group” and then record which don’t have a buying group company can be assigned to that group.
Product: Displays products which are not assigned to a product grouping. All products should be assigned to a product grouping.
Steps to resolve the Unmatched Groupings
Clicking on the count in the widget will open the association screen for that grouping section. The hierarchy member – which indicates if a record is in the hierarchy – defaults to false showing the list of users, companies, or products which need to be assigned to a grouping.
The hierarchy groupings display on the right side of the grouping association screen.
To assign a record to a grouping, click on the row in the grid and drag and drop the row onto the correct location in the hierarchy.
After assigning the data to the groupings, click Save at the bottom of the screen.
Once a record is assigned to a grouping, the hierarchy member updates from false to true.
To view all the data within the hierarchies, there is an option to expand all and collapse all hierarchies.