Claim and Sales Exceptions

When data is received via sales data or eclaim load that can’t be resolved, it creates an exception. The claim exceptions can be resolved by assigning the company, product, UOM and lumpsum exceptions to master data within the application. To work the exceptions, navigate to Admin → Exceptions. Each type of exception is broken out into a separate screen, and the exceptions need to be worked in the order they appear in the menu.

After mapping the exceptions click the Validate button at the bottom of every screen. If the validate button is not clicked, the process will not move the exception to the next screen for 2 hours. Clicking the validate button will automatically move the exceptions to the next screen.

Claimant Exceptions – resolve the claimant company to the master company list. Focus should be on the claimant name and claimant number columns to match to the master list claimant number. The address information is not displayed on the claimant master list, but the company admin screen displays the address so use that to assist in verifying the correct claimant company is selected. If a company is not displaying in the master list, it’s possible that the company is inactive - use the company admin screen to verify that the company exists and mark active, if needed.

Distributor Exceptions – resolve the distributor company to the master company list. In this screen, use the distributor number and distributor name columns to map the data to the company master list. The distributor master list only displays company admin records where the company type is distributor and the company is active. If a company is not displaying in the distributor master list, it’s possible the company is inactive or does not have a company type of distributor. Use the company admin screen to verify that the company meets that criteria and make updates, if needed.

Claimant Contractee Exceptions – resolve the claimant and contract information to the master company list. The record being mapped to can be either a company or company_grouping record as indicated by the first column. The focus on this grid is the contract title and contract id column. The information being mapped is to the contractee on the contract based on the contract title information. Example: if it’s a direct deal where the contract title states Marketing and it’s for a company name of Sysco Albany then look for a company name of Sysco Albany in the master list to map to. If the contract title is a description of an operator contractee deal that states Compass in the contract title column, then that might be mapped to a company name of Foodbuy in the master list. Note: The File Names field is currently under development and is not currently used for anything.

Company Product Exceptions – resolve product information to the master product list. The focus on this grid is on the manufacturer product sku and company product name to find the correct product in the master list. This master list includes both active and inactive product records.

UOM Exceptions – resolve the UOM to the UOM master list. If a UOM is missing from the master list, navigate to the Product Admin –> UOM Type admin screen to create a new UOM.

Company Lumpsum Exceptions – resolve the Lumpsum to the Lumpsum master list. The Lumpsum Type in the raw data should be used to map to the Lumpsum Type column in the master list. If the lumpsum does not exist, a new lumpsum type can be added in Product Admin –> Lumpsum Admin.

Location Exceptions – this screen is not currently used for mapping exceptions.

Alternate Payee-resolve the company that the PAYMENT needs to go to.

Steps to Resolve Exceptions

The exception screens all have the same layout. The incoming source data is displayed on the top left, the master list is located on the top right and the alias list displays at the bottom.

Incoming Source Data: this displays the information that was sent to GoSimple either through a sales field or eclaim load. The exception timestamp displays the date and time the information was loaded. The source data name and number also display in the grid. (Note that the Raw Data hyperlink feature is still under development.)

If the exclude box is checked, the data will exclude that record. For claim related exceptions, that box should never be checked as that would exclude that data and possibly short pay the claim. For sales if it’s excluded, then the sales won’t load for that line item which could cause incorrect pends.

Master List: this displays the master data for company, product, lumpsum, etc. To find the master record to link the exception to, use the top row to filter the data.

Click on the row in the master list to assign the source data to and if there are any current associations, those will display in the alias list. To assign the source data to the master data, click and drag the source data row to the master list highlighted row.

The Master List displays a Mapped Count column. This displays a count of records which are currently assigned to that master list record.

Alias List: this displays the resolved source data to master list relationship. Once the source data is mapped to the master list data, the record will appear in the alias list. This will display the user and date/time that the mapping was made.

The Validate button must be clicked on every screen after the source data is mapped to the master data. If the validate button is not clicked, the process will not move the exception to the next screen for 2 hours. Clicking the validate button will automatically move the exceptions to the next screen.

Disassociate – if the assigned relationship is incorrect and it needs to be removed, click the Disassociate button in the Alias list. This will remove the mapping of that source data to master list and the information for the source company will display back in the source data section.

Grid Exports

To export the data in any of the grids, click on the gear and select Export as and select either CSV or Excel.