Contract Visibility Grouping
The Contract Visibility Grouping is broken out into two screens:
The Contract Visibility Grouping Definition Admin is where the Groupings are defined and organized into a contract visibility grouping hierarchy.
The Contract Visibility Grouping Association Admin is where the Users will be added to the previously defined Visibility Groupings.
Finding Records with the Hierarchy
To find where a User, Company, or Company Group is within the hierachy, select (highlight) the row within the grid. Then click the Cycle through item in Hierarchy button. Each time the button is clicked, it will move through all locations in the hierarchy where the selected row is a member.
There is also an option to Expand All and Collapse All of the hierarchy.
Contract Visibility Grouping Definition Admin
This is where the contract visibility groups are defined. To add a new row, click Add and enter in the Grouping Description, Grouping CD, and set Active/Inactive indicator. To edit an existing row, click the row and the editor will open. After making updates click Save or click Cancel to revert changes. Click the X on the top right to close the editor window.
To setup the Contract Visibility Grouping Hierarchy, the items within the grid can be moved by clicking a row and dragging and dropping to the correct location in the hierarchy. These updates are automatically saved.
Contract Visibility Grouping Association Admin
To add Users, Companies and Company Groupings to the Visibility Groupings previously defined, navigate to the Contract Visibility Grouping Association Admin screen. The grid displays 3 tabs: Account, Company, and Company Grouping.
The first column on each grid indicates if the row (user, company or company grouping) is a member of a visibility grouping. If false, the row is not yet assigned to a group. If true, the row is assigned to a group. Select a row then click the Cycle through item in Hierarchy button and the visibility grouping hierarchy on the right will display where that row is in the hierarchy.
The hierarchy and members of the hierarchies are displayed in alphabetical order and show the hierarchy, user, company or company grouping name followed by the code, email address or company number.
To add a User, Company, or Company Grouping to the visibility grouping hierarchy, select a row and drag it to the appropriate place in the hierarchy. Each entity in the hierarchy is represented by the icon displayed on the tab so there is a distinction between users, companies and company groupings. More than one record can be added to the hierarchy at once by using ctrl+shift to select a group of rows or ctrl+click of mouse to select many individual rows. Records can be added to multiple hierarchy groups.
Below is an example of a hierarchy with users, companies and company groupings assigned. A User can see Companies and Company Groupings in the assigned hierarchy plus all hierarchies directly below.
Company Grouping
Click Save after making changes!