Contract Template Admin - Edit

Click on the Contract Template Admin menu option to view, edit and add Templates.

To edit a template, select a template from the drop down then click the Edit button.

The Active Indicator, Template Description and Template Code will be editable.

Active - if checked, the template is active and new contracts can be created on this template. If unchecked, the template is inactive and new contracts cannot be created on this template.

Template Description - this is the Template Name displayed on the Contract Header.

Template Code - this is the code associated with the template.


This tab displays the filters on the left:

Each of the filter options correspond to one of the tabs on the template. If a Filter's Active box is checked, that means there are restrictions on that field on the template.

If the Active box is checked, and the corresponding tab has selected data, then only the selected users, products, lumpsums, companies and client defined fields will be available when creating contracts against the template.

If the Active box is unchecked, then there are no restrictions on that template at all. All users, products, lumpsums, companies and client defined fields will be available when creating contracts against the template.

NOTE: If there are options selected in the tabs, but the Filter box is NOT checked, the data will not be filtered. For example, if there are products selected in the Products tab, but the Product Filter is NOT checked, all products will be available for selection during contract creation.

The contract header, pricing, approval options, and decimal setting display on the right side of the General tab:

Contract Types Available - select which Contract Types can be created using this template. One or many options can be selected.

Cost Basis Types Available - select which Cost Basis Types can be selected on contracts created using this template. One or many options can be selected.

Contract Rebate Methods Available - select which Rebate Methods will be available on contracts created using this template. One or many options can be selected. Note that if only Direct is selected, if a contract is created with an operator contractee, no deviated pricing will be available for contracts created on that template.

Accrual Quantity Sources Available - select how the accruals will be determined. See below for accrual definitions.

Accrual Lumpsum Sources Available - select how the lumpsum dollars will accrue.

Rebate Types Available - select Numeric and/or Percent pricing to be available on contracts created using this template.

Rebate Value Types Available - select which rebate value types will be available on contracts created using this template.

Estimated Quantity Required - check the Active box to require estimated volume on all contracts created using this template. If the box is unchecked then entering estimated quantity on a contract is optional.

Preset Contract - a preset contract can be selected so that when contracts are created using this template, the products, pricing, and other information is pre-filled and non-editable. The preset contract must be from a different template than the current template. Note: if the preset contract is amended, in order for new contracts to use that updated/active version, the template will need to be updated to use the updated version of the contract. It does not happen automatically.

Date Range Type - there are 3 options for date ranges on templates.

NEW time frame tolerance- There is a new time frame tolerance within the template that applies to all contracts created using that template. This feature will help prevent claims from pending for out of time frame.

Contract Approval Policy - select an Approval Policy from the dropdown to apply to contracts created on this template. This allows different approval processes to be set up on different templates.

Contract Value Numeric Decimal Scale - enter a value from 0 - 6 in this textbox. This value determines how many decimal places will be available on contract for either Fixed Rate or Fixed Price values. For example, if 5 is selected a user can enter a contract rate of 1.25654.

Contract Value Percent Decimal Scale - enter a value from 0 - 6 in this textbox. This value determines how many decimal places will be available to enter on a percent on the contract. For example, if 3 is entered, a user can enter a contract percent of 12.375% on the contract.

Accrual Definitions:

Accruals always accrue at the contract/company/product/lumpsum level for a defined timeframe. Lumpsums are always allocated to the contractee company (evenly split when there are multiple contractees or to the contractee group’s parent company if one is defined). See below for how the dollars are allocated to companies/products under the contract.

NONE – Do not pull in any quantity to accrue, so nothing will be accrued for this contract. CUSTOM – Indicates that there is a custom accrual method set up for the manufacturer and it's not controlled by any of the accrual types listed.

CONTRACT ESTIMATE – Uses the estimates defined on the contract as the quantity to accrue for. Allocates the estimate evenly over the entire time frame of the contract to determine accrued dollars per period. Allocate each product evenly over the contract period divided evenly by each contractee company (if a group or aggregate).

CLAIM TRAILING AVERAGE –Past periods use actual claim volume/dollars while future periods use an average from a defined trailing period with an optional gap period…e.g. Gap 2 months back and take the previous 6 months claim actuals average. Dollars are allocated to the distributor of each paid claim line item, or if there is no captured distributor, then they will be allocated to the claimant company.

CLAIM ACTUALS ONLY – This option will not accrue for future periods, it just accrues based on the claim actuals for the past periods. Dollars are allocated to the distributor of each paid claim line item, or if there is no captured distributor, then they will be allocated to the claimant company.

DISTRIBUTOR SALES – Uses the sales data for a period as the quantity to accrue in the past, then similar to claim trailing average, uses a gapped trailing average to project future periods. Dollars are allocated to the company on the sale unless the contractee is a group with a parent company, in which case they are allocated to the parent company.


To allow only certain users visibility to a template, check the User Filters Active box. Then navigate to the users tab to select the users.

This grid displays a checkbox, Email, Name, Role, Requires Contract Ownership, Requires Contractee Visibility and Active columns. The text and checkbox columns can be filtered on by entering text in the textbox at the top of the grid and clicking enter.

To allow user visibility to the contract, click the checkbox.

There are 2 options to limit visibility on the Users tab:

Requires Contract Ownership: If this box is checked, the user can only see contracts on the selected template which they created. They will not have visibility to contracts on that template created by another user.

Requires Contractee Visibility: If this box is checked, the user will only be able to see and create contracts where they have visibility to the contractee company and eligible distributors. For example, if Sysco Atlanta is not in the users visibility hierarchy, they won't be able to create contracts for Sysco Atlanta or view contracts for Sysco Atlanta on that template even if Sysco Atlanta is an eligible contractee on the template. Also, the user will see only companies they have visibility to in the Distributors list to add to the contract as eligible distributors when creating/editing a contract.


To allow only certain products to be selected when creating a contract, check the Product Filters Active box. Then navigate to the Products tab to select the products.

This grid displays an checkbox as the first column. To include a product, check the box for that product row. To include all products, click the Check All box. (Note that if the Product Filter Active box is unchecked, that also includes all products.)

There is also an option to Check None - this would be used if the template allows for only lumpsum contracts to be created. To exclude all products, on the General Tab click the Product Filter Active checkbox then select Check None or don't select any checkboxes on the Products tab.

Product Groupings

To allow only certain product groups to be selected when creating a contract, check the Product Grouping Filters Active box. Then navigate to the Product Groupings tab to select the groups.

This grid displays a checkbox as the first column. To include a product grouping, check the box for that grouping row - these can be selected at any level of the grouping hierarchy.

To include all product groupings, click the Check All box. (Note that if the Product Grouping Filter Active box is unchecked, that also includes all product groupings.)

The groupings can be Expanded or Flattened by clicking these buttons at the bottom of the grid. This expands or collapses the grouping data.


To allow only certain lumpsums to be selected when creating a contract, check the Lumpsum Filters Active box. Then navigate to the Lumpsums tab to select the lumpsums.

This grid displays a checkbox as the first column. To include a lumpsum, check the box for that lumpsum row. To include all lumpsums, click the Check All box. (Note that if the Lumpsum Filter Active box is unchecked, that also includes all lumpsums.)

There is also an option to Check None - this would be used if the template allows for only contracts to be created with products and lumpsums are not allowed. To exclude all lumpsums, on the General Tab click the Lumpsum Filter Active checkbox then select Check None or don't select any checkboxes on the Lumpsum tab.

Contractee Company Types

To allow only certain Contractee Company Types to be selected when creating a contract, check the Contractee Company Type Filters Active box. Then navigate to the Contractee Company Types tab to select the company types.

This grid displays a checkbox as the first column. To include a company type, check the box for that row. To include all company types, click the Check All box. (Note that if the Contractee Company Type Filter Active box is unchecked, that also includes all contractee company types.) The value selected here will limit to ONLY the selected company type for Contractee selection.

The Contractee Company Types can be used in combination with the Contractee Companies and Contractee Company Groupings filters.

If the Contractee Company Type is filtered then only companies with that type will be available for selection when creating a contract on the template.

If the Contractee Company Type is filtered, the checkboxes on the Contractee Companies and Contractee Company Grouping tabs become EXCLUSIONS instead of INCLUSIONS.

Contractee Companies

To allow certain Contractee Companies to be selected when creating a contract, check the Contractee Companies Filters Active box. Then navigate to the Contractee Companies tab to select the companies.

This grid displays a checkbox as the first column. This grid works two different ways, depending on if the Contractee Company Type filter is selected.

If the Contractee Company Type filter is NOT set: To include a company, check the box for the company row. To include all companies, click the Check All box. (Note that if the Contractee Companies Filter Active box is unchecked, that also includes all contractee companies.) In this scenario, only the Sysco companies will be INCLUDED and available to select as contractees on this template.

If the Contractee Company Type filter IS set: When the Contractee Company Type filter is set, this changes the checkboxes on this grid to an exclusion instead of an inclusion.

As an example, if the Contractee Company Type is filtered to only allow Distributors, checking boxes on the Contractee Company grid will exclude the checked rows. In the example below, the Contractee Company Type is Distributor and the rows for USF Manassas and Sysco Boston are checked. This means that ALL Distributors EXCEPT those two are available as contractees on this template. (Note: it is not necessary to click the checkbox on companies that do not have the company type that is selected on the Company Type tab. Those companies will be excluded by the fact that they don't have the required company type.)

Contractee Company Groupings

To allow only certain Contractee Company Groups to be selected when creating a contract, check the Contractee Company Groupings Filters Active box. Then navigate to the Contractee Company Groupings tab to select the company groups.

This grid displays a checkbox as the first column. This grid works two different ways, depending on if the Contractee Company Type filter is selected.

If the Contractee Company Type filter is NOT set: To include a company grouping, check the box for the company grouping. To include all company groupings, click the Check All box. (Note that if the Contractee Company Grouping Filter Active box is unchecked, that also includes all contractee company groupings.) In this scenario below, only the Generic Distributor Grouping and Sysco Grouping will be INCLUDED and available to select as contractees on this template.

If the Contractee Company Type filter IS set: When the Contractee Company Type filter is set, this changes the checkboxes on this grid to an exclusion instead of an inclusion.

As an example, if the Contractee Company Type is filtered to only allow Distributors, checking boxes on the Contractee Company Groupings grid will exclude the checked rows. In the example below, the Contractee Company Type is Distributor and the row for the Sysco grouping is checked. This means that ALL Distributor Groupings EXCEPT the Sysco grouping are available as contractees on this template. (Note: it is not necessary to click the checkbox on company groupings that do not have the company type that is selected on the Company Type tab. Those company groupings will be excluded by the fact that they don't have the required company type.)

The groupings can be Expanded or Flattened by clicking these buttons at the bottom of the grid. This expands or collapses the grouping data.

Distributor Companies

To allow only certain Distributor Companies to be selected as eligible distributors when creating a contract, check the Distributor Companies Filters Active box. Then navigate to the Distributor Companies tab to select the distributor.

This grid displays a checkbox as the first column. To include a company, check the box for the company row. To include all companies, click the Check All box. (Note that if the Distributor Companies Filter Active box is unchecked, that also includes all distributor companies.)

Distributor Company Groupings

To allow only certain Distributor Company Groups to be selected when creating a contract, check the Distributor Company Groupings Filters Active box. Then navigate to the Distributor Company Groupings tab to select the distributor groups.

This grid displays a checkbox as the first column. To include a company group, check the box for the grouping row. To include all company groups, click the Check All box. (Note that if the Distributor Company Groups Filter Active box is unchecked, that also includes all distributor company groups.)

The groupings can be Expanded or Flattened by clicking these buttons at the bottom of the grid. This expands or collapses the grouping data.

Client Defined Fields

This tab displays the Client Defined Fields defined for Templates. Enter the necessary information.


Choose the letter(s) which will be available for contracts created on the selected template. A list of all Contractee letters and Distributor Billback letters defined for the client will display for selection. In order to save the template, at least one Contractee letter must be selected.

After making any changes to the template, click Save!