Contract Search
To search for Contracts, click on Contract and select Contract Search.
The field search will be automatically populated with some default criteria to help limit the number of records returned and provide more relevant results. Those default criteria are: claimable = true and end date greater than or equal to the current date of last year. These can be removed if you wish to look at all contracts.
To see all available fields that can be searched, hover on the field and a popup will display. Use the scroll bar to view all options.
There are additional search criteria located in the field search dropdowns. These search criteria are as follows: Start Date, End Date, Claimable, Contract Version ID, Contract Name, Contract Title, Direct Value, Deviated Value, Product Name and Product Number.
One thing to note is that field search (on the right side) and normal search (on the left side) work together as a global “and” search. You can enter some criteria into one, and other criteria into another, and it will return the contracts which match BOTH. For example, if you wanted to search for any contracts which contained product “12345” with a direct value that is greater than $0.50, enter both of those criteria into the field search (on the right side). If you were to enter the product criteria into normal search, and direct value into field search, it would pull back any contracts that have product “12345” on them, AND any contracts that have ANY product with a direct value greater than $0.50. Not just contracts with product “12345” whose direct value was greater than $0.50 like you were looking for.
Enter search criteria and select Search or click the Enter key on the keyboard.
To clear data from the search criteria, click the X at the beginning of the criteria row.
On the field search, additional criteria can be added by clicking the Add Field Criteria button. Criteria can be removed by clicking the Remove Criteria button.
Refer to the Legend for specifics on how to perform And, Or, Not, Prefix, or Grouping searches. Click on the Legend dropdown arrow to open the legend.
The contract search is a “Full Text” search. Example: If “Approve” is entered in the Header and search, the results will have “Approval”, “Approved” as part of the contract header - in the below example the text is either in the Contract Name or Contract State column. The search results can also be filtered by entering text in box at the top of each column and clicking Enter on the keyboard. To clear a filter, delete the text in the column search and click Enter.
By default, only contracts in a Claimable status are returned - the default search criteria is set to Claimable equals True and the Claimable column defaults to True. This includes contracts in Active, Approved or Expired status. To see non-Claimable contracts, change the default search criteria to Claimable equals False or remove the default search criteria to return contracts in any claimable status. The first column will still default to claimable = true, so change the filter on the grid column to false. This will return contracts in Draft, Evaluation, Amended, Terminated or Cancelled status. To see all contracts, select the blank option in the dropdown.
The Contract Renewed column indicates whether a renewal exists for the Contract Family. This displays True if the contract has a renewal and False if there is no renewal for the contract.
When a contract is set up with a product grouping, you can find the contracts by product number using the following method:
Click the hyperlink in the Contract ID field to view the Contract.
Search Criteria Options:
Hover over the search criteria sections for a list of all searchable fields. Examples are listed below:
Header: Contract ID, Contract Name, Contract Status, Start Date, End Date, Contractee - Company Name and Company Number, Creator First Name, Creator Last Name, Contact Name, Contact Email, Contact Phone
Product: Product Name, Product Number, Grouping Description, Grouping Code
LumpSum: LumpSum Description, LumpSum Code, Contract LumpSum Description, Amount
Distributor: Company Name, Company Number, Grouping Description, Grouping Code, Address, City, State, Postal Code, Country
Client Defined Fields: This section searches on the values of the Client Defined Field - so if there is a checkbox, enter true/false for checked/unchecked. It also searches number values, date values and list values.
NOTE: For brand new contracts that have just been entered, a wait of 2 hours maybe needed to return contracts. This is necessary to improve performance on the search screens. After the data refresh, all fields noted on the search criteria options list will become searchable for the new contracts.
The following are lists of fields that can be searched on immediately without needing a complete data refresh:
Contract Sequence
Contract Version ID
Contract Type
Contract Name
Contract State
Contract Template Description
State Modified Column
This column displays in all Contract Search grids (Draft, Expiring, etc) and displays the last date that the contract was modified or the last date of a state change.