Contract Edit Options
This section will explain the following Contract Edit Options: Edit Family, Edit Dates and assigning Contract Editors to the contract.
Edit Family
Contract Approval Role - Finalizer
Actions: Edit Family, Edit Dates, Amend, Renew, Terminate, and Copy
Users with FINAL APPROVER rights will have the option to Edit Family information on a contract. Users have the option to Edit Family information or Edit Dates on a contract. The changes made will not need to go through an approval process and will go into effect immediately.
Clicking Edit Family will put the Family Info section into edit mode - the rest of the contract will be in a view-only state.
Contract Approval Role - Intermediary
Actions: Amend, Renew, and Copy
Users with the Intermediary contract approval role are the first approvers; the contract is not usable until the final approver approves the contract. This gives the client the ability to have 2 approval levels. Anything they create will move to the final approval status.
Contract Approval Role - Submitter
Actions: Copy
Users with the Submitter approval role have rights to create a contract but not approve them.
Contract Title, Contractee, Cost Basis Type, Contract Type and Payment Frequency are all editable when editing the contract family information. Note that all the changes in the family info section are applied to all renew/amend versions of the contract. There are certain rules which apply if there are COMPLETE claims on the contract.
Contract Title – Always editable.
Contractee – Editable if there are NO COMPLETE CLAIMS. If there are Complete claims, the Contractee CAN be changed from a Company to a Company Group if that company group contains the original contractee.
Cost Basis Type – Editable if there are NO COMPLETE CLAIMS.
Contract Type - Editable if there are NO COMPLETE CLAIMS.
Payment Frequency - Editable if the Contract Type is Pay Using Sale Data and there are NO COMPLETE CLAIMS.
To save changes click Save.
To cancel the edit, click Revert. This will display a confirmation message. Click Yes to return to the contract view without saving changes. Click No to remain in edit.
Edit Dates
Users with FINAL APPROVER rights will have the option to Edit Date information on a contract. The changes made will not need to go through an approval process and will go into effect immediately.
Clicking Edit Dates will put the Date Info section into edit mode - the rest of the contract will be in a view-only state.
If there are NO COMPLETE claims, then the start and end date can be changed to any dates which don’t overlap other contract versions. If there are complete claims, then the dates entered must not orphan claims, meaning the claim’s delivery dates must be completely contained within the contract’s start and end dates.
To save changes click Save.
To cancel the edit, click Revert. This will display a confirmation message. Click Yes to return to the contract view without saving changes. Click No to remain in edit.
Contract Editors
A user who created a contract can Edit, Amend and Renew that contract. Now, there is an option for the Contract Creator to select additional users to have access to Edit, Amend and Renew Contracts.
To give Edit rights to another user, click the Contract Editors manage hyperlink on the contract header.
This will open the Contract Editor Management popup. The right grid displays the current contract creator. To select a user to edit the contract, click the right arrow Action button on the left grid for that user. This will then display that user in the right grid.
After selecting a user to Edit, select the Role for that user from the dropdown. The options are Admin or Editor.
Editor: This gives the selected user options to Edit, Amend and Renew the contract.
Admin: This gives the selected user options to Edit, Amend and Renew the contract as well as the option to add or remove additional users edit access.
Users with the same Approval level or lower Approval level must be assigned by the Contract Creator as an Editor if they need to maintain a contract.
After making the selection, click Save. Click Close to close the window without saving the changes.
Additional Information
If a Contract Editor/Admin user is defined on a contract, that contract will display in the Draft Folder for both the Contract Creator and the user who is assigned as a Contract Editor/Admin.
Users who click Contract Editors on contracts which they did not create will open a read-only popup displaying the Contract Creator's name and email.