Claim Search
To search for Claims, click on Claim and select Claim Search.
There are two sections in which search criteria can be entered. The section on the left searches all fields as labeled and the section on the right searches by date parameters and invoice number.
On the left side, enter search criteria and select Search or click the Enter key on the keyboard to perform a search.
To clear the values entered in the search criteria sections, click the X button at the beginning of the criteria row.
To see all available fields that can be searched, hover on the field and a popup will display. Use the scroll bar to view all options.
Refer to the Legend for specifics on how to perform And, Or, Not, Prefix, or Grouping searches. This section can be viewed by clicking the dropdown arrow next to Legend button.
The claim search is a “Full Text” search. Example: If “Evaluate” is entered in the Claim Search Criteria field, then all claims with a status of “Evaluation” will be returned.
The search results can also be filtered by entering text in the box at the top of each column and clicking Enter on the keyboard. To clear a filter, delete the text in the column search and click Enter.
Search Criteria Options:
Invoice: Invoice ID, Invoice Number, Amount Requested, Deduction Hint, Company Name, Company Number, Creator First Name, Creator Last Name, Creator Email
Claim: Claim ID, Claim State, Requested Total, Allowed Total, Claim Tag, Contract Version ID, Contract ID, Contract Name, Contractee Name, Contractee Number, Contractee Grouping Description, Contractee Grouping Code, Deduction Number, Transaction Number (Check Number).
Transaction: Claim Transaction Type, Payment Transaction Type, Payment Transaction State, Transaction Number, Payee Name, Payee Address 1&2, Payee City, Payee Region, Payee Postal Code, Payee Country
Product/LumpSum: Product Name, Product Number, GTIN Number, UPC Number, Claim Product Name, Claim Product Number, LumpSum Description, LumpSum CD, Contract LumpSum Description
Client Defined Fields: This section searches on the values of the Client Defined Field (only if there are Claim Client Defined Fields set up for the manufacturer within GoSimple). If there is a checkbox, enter true/false for checked/unchecked. It also searches number values, date values and list values.
On the Search on the right, there are several date options to search by as well as Invoice Number.
Select a Criteria Type from the first drop down.
Then select a Criteria Operator. NOTE: What you see if this pull down will vary based off what you chose in the Criteria Type.
If you chose a date type field in Criteria Type enter in a Date or use the calendar to select a date. If searching by Invoice Number, this field will be a textbox.
Additional criteria can be entered in this section by clicking the Add Field Criteria button. To remove a section, click the Remove Last Criteria section.
To clear the values entered in the search criteria sections, click the X button at the beginning of the criteria row.
Columns can be added or removed from the claim search grid by clicking the cog that displays at the end of the grid.
Certain columns are not displayed by default, but can be added by clicking the text in the popup. Created Date, Payment Date and Cleared Date are available to display in the grid but are hidden by default.
Aged Days
This column displays the count of days since the claim was created till today if the claim is still in process. For claims which are in a Complete or Rejected status, this shows the count of days from claim creation till the claim was either complete or rejected.
Claim Exports
There are 2 options to export the data on the claim grid.
To view the data exactly as it appears in the grid, click the cog in the upper right corner of the results grid and select “export as”. This is a claim header-level export.
To view detailed claim data, click the Claim Detail Export. This export displays the product and lumpsum data for all the claims on the claim grid.
Click the button to run the Claim Line Detail report.
This will open the Report Runner. Click Generate. After the report is created it will display as a hyperlink in the Generated Reports section. Click the link to open the report.
To do a quick search for Claims in a specific status, expand the Claim Views section of the menu and select the status. All claims in that status will be returned in the grid.
Invoice Search Results Grid
The results grid is limited to 1000 records. Add additional search criteria, if needed, to find a specific invoice.
The following are lists of fields that can be searched on immediately without needing a complete data refresh:
Invoice Number
Invoice ID
Invoice Amount Requested
Deduction Number Hint
Company Name and Company Number
Claim Creator Name and Email
Claim ID
Claim State
Claim Contract Hint