Claim Reports
The Claim reports are available in the Reporting → Claim Menu.
Check Payment Status
This report displays transaction and payee information based on the criteria entered in the report runner.
To run the report, enter in Dates and/or Payee information and click Generate. To view the report, click on the hyperlink in the Generated Reports section.
Invoice Short Paid Report
This report displays claims where the Requested Amount is greater than Allowed Amount due to Recalculated lines for Requested Greater than Calculated.
To run the report, select From and To Invoice Dates and then select a company grouping. Click Generate. Click the hyperlink in the Generated Reports section to view the report.
Pending Scorecard
This excel report shows counts of open and closed pendings based on a pending day range per user. There is also a detail tab which shows claim information including the pend reason(s) and count of days pended.
To run the report, click Generate. Click the hyperlink in the Generated Reports section to open the report.
Claim Unmatched Deduction
Claim pending matched to closed deduction
Claim payee
Autopay Invoice Backup
Autopay Unipro Backup
Autopay Golbon Backup
Autopay IMA Backup
Overspent Market Event
This report helps to identify the dollar amount spent on each event listed on a contract. This is helpful when there are multiple events per contract. To run the report, click on the report name and then select the Generate button.
The report summary TAB lists the contract version ID, contract title, event name, description, event amount, all claim requested amount, all claim allowed amount and total difference. The report detail TAB includes the contract version ID, event name, description, event amount, claimant, claim ID, claim state, claim amount requested, claim amount allowed and difference.