Table of Contents

Autopay and Off Invoice


In order to access the Autopay process in the system, your user role must include Admin Autopay. Only users with this role will have access to generate, review and approve the automated earnings. To access Autopay – it’s located in the Admin section of the menu.

Once you click on Autopay – your action buttons will be at the bottom of your screen.

Step 1 – run the Precheck Review

Click on Precheck Review and then hit the GENERATE button. This will generate your precheck report. This report consists of 6 tabs. PreCheck Explained, AutoPay Contracts, Contracts not Renewed, AutoPay Exclusions, Autopay Backouts and Sales Company Eligibility. The first tab just provides an explanation for the other tabs in the worksheet.

Once you have reviewed the whole spreadsheet and are confident that all of your contracts are included and accurate, you can proceed to Step 2. If you find any that are missing or that need to be updated prior to generating earnings, now is the time to do it. Amend/Renew or create the contracts that are missing and then you can rerun the Precheck report to make sure everything is accurate. Only proceed to Step 2 when you are sure all of your contracts are up to date and accurate.

Step 2 - Refresh Earnings

Click on Refresh Earnings and you will need to make a selection to run MONTHLY or QUARTERLY (or any other payment frequency you have set up). You may select more than one option by holding down the CTRL or SHIFT key while choosing your options.

Then click on the CONTINUE button in the bottom right hand corner. This will bring up all the contracts from the selected payment calendar(s). At this point you can choose to generate earnings for one, many, or all the contracts by selecting them. To select click on the contract row and it will highlight. To select ALL contracts – select the first contract, hold down the SHIFT key and scroll to the last contract and select it. This will highlight all of the contracts. If you want to select specific contracts – hold down the CTRL key while making your selections. This will allow you to choose specific contracts in the list without selecting them all. The LAST EARNING DATE at the bottom should be populated with the date that you want to generate your earnings through. For example – if you are running earnings for June – you would enter 6/30/2020 (or the last day of your fiscal month if you are on a fiscal calendar). You may use the calendar icon to select your dates or you can hand key the dates, but you must enter the / and use a 4-digit year. Once you have selected your contracts and entered your Last Earning Date – click on the CONTINUE button in the bottom right corner.

You should now see the contracts that you selected up at the top of your screen.

If you select contracts that someone else has already generated earnings for, but have not completed yet you will get a pop-up warning that you are about to undo their work and the system will regenerate earnings for that contract(s) and it will be included in the new user’s run.

Step 3 – run the Unpaid Earnings Report.

At this point you will click on the Unpaid Earnings Report button at the bottom of the screen. This will give you a popup window where you choose to generate the Excel report.

Once generated, you should open and review the data in the Excel spreadsheet. This spreadsheet will consist of 4 tabs. Unpaid Earnings Explained, Summary, Earnings and Backouts. The first tab provides you with just an explanation of the data on the 3 tabs that contain your data in the worksheet. The Summary tab shows a list of the contracts that generated earnings along with a total amount of the earnings to be paid out. The Earnings tab shows the detail for the total earnings to be paid. This is the tab that gives the sales invoice, customer, product, and rate details (and more) so that you and/or your customer can reconcile their payment. The last column on this tab is labeled AUTOPAY ACTION. This is the column that you need to update with either HOLD, PAY or EXCLUDE.

HOLD, PAY and EXCLUDE are the only 3 options you can choose. You must not change the format, column order or any of the other data in the spreadsheet. Touch only the last column. The last tab is BACKOUTS. If you are utilizing the backouts option on any of your AutoPay contracts, the lines that are being backed out of the customers earnings will display on this tab. The sum of the earnings tab and the backout tab will be equal to the total on the Summary tab.

Once you have updated all of the rows in the spreadsheet with an AutoPay action. Save the spreadsheet. You will upload your spreadsheet in the next step.

Step 4 – Upload Unpaid Earnings Report

Click on the Upload Unpaid Earnings Report button at the bottom of the screen. This will open a pop-up window. Choose Upload File – this will open a file selection window that will allow you to navigate to the location on your computer where you have saved your document from the previous step.

Select your saved file and then hit OPEN in the bottom corner. This will then show your saved report in the window. Hit CONTINUE to upload your file.

Once your spreadsheet is uploaded you will get the results of your import. The pop-up will tell you how many rows were in your file, how many GOOD rows and how many BAD rows. BAD rows do not import. This means that there was something was wrong in the spreadsheet that you uploaded. In this example the AutoPay Action columns were not updated. That is required in order to pay any of the earnings.

You should click CLOSE in the bottom corner and then recheck your spreadsheet. Once you have updated your spreadsheet to fix any errors, you can choose to Upload it again. If everything is correct you will see the Total Rows and the Good Rows should be the same value. You can then click CLOSE in the bottom right hand corner.

Step 5 – Earnings to Pay Report

Now you can click the Earnings to Pay Report on the bottom of the screen. Choose GENERATE in the popup window. This will generate and XLS spreadsheet that has 4 tabs – Earnings to Pay Report Explained, Summary, Earnings and Backout. If you made no changes and did not exclude or hold any earnings – this should show the same information and totals that were on your unpaid earnings report. Review all the tabs in the report to confirm these are the amounts that you want to pay. If everything is correct and accurate – you can proceed to the next step.

Step 6 - Create Invoices

Click on the Create Invoices button at the bottom of the screen. This will now create the claim for the customers in your earnings spreadsheet. These claims can be found in DRAFT in the system. You will review them and click on SUBMIT. When an autopay invoice is submitted, the claims go directly to complete, no need for approval workflow, no need for pending checks. These claims will automatically appear in the next payment file you receive.


Off Invoice

Off Invoice is a Discount included to the customer at the time the manufacturer invoices the customer for the product. To use off invoice, the following steps must be taken:

Step 1 Contract Template needs to be set up to allow a Contract Type of Off Invoice or a separate template should be setup for only a contract type of off invoice • It is recommended to have Off Invoice contracts on its own template as there is less confusion when creating contracts on what to pick with the contract type.

Step 2 Contracts need to be set up with an Off Invoice Contract Type.

Step 3 Contracts should only be set up for Off Invoice for customers that purchase directly.

Step 4 Reach out to the Account Manager to set up the off invoice process.

Step 5 Once Turned on, sales received daily or frequency received from the Manufacturer are bounced up against the Off Invoice contracts for the time period of the sale and claims are auto-created and completed with a draft transaction type. Draft transactions do not appear in any reporting (Payment or Deduction Feeds), but they are available to show as actuals in reporting against a contract in TPM or in tableau.

Step 6 If the Manufacturer would like to receive an outbound feed of Off Invoice contracts, the Manufacturer should reach out to the Account Manager to have these feeds established.

Off Invoice claim workflow