OLD ACCRUAL PROCESS (if not transitioned to the new process, this will be your guide. New accrual process guide is below this section)

Accruals are a record of the expenses that have been incurred as a result of a contract in TPM. The methods for calculating these values can differ by program type. The client can choose to pre-define the calculation method in TPM at the Template level or allow the contract creator to select a method from more than one option.

The accrual process allows the client to use TPM to keep track of what contracts need to be accrued, how to accrue, when to accrue, and finally how much to accrue. The accrual process runs daily to account for daily changes such as new contracts, amended contracts and renewed contracts. It also accounts for new sales data coming in, new claims being processed etc.

The client has to ability to view the daily accruals for informational purposes (or on their desired frequency Weekly/Monthly). There are ITB reports within Tableau or the client may choose to import the data into their system via an outbound report (1069_accrual_detail) from TPM that is available in a full file format or an incremental file format. Either option comes with an accompanying supplemental Sale and Claim detail file to provide the details that were used to build the accrual values if they were calculated using either Sales or Claim data. This allows the client to be able to do their own research into the accrual detail values. The current Contract Types that work with the Accrual process are the following three:

There are three parts to a successful accrual process:

  1. One-time configuration set up.
  2. Per contract set up.
  3. Period (Monthly) Retain set up.

One Time Configuration Set Up (5 Settings)

1. A client setting to enable Forecasting out accruals. For example, if it’s June, we can use sales data to determine your Jan-Jun accruals. If you have this enabled, our process estimates Jul-Dec accruals for you.

2. Client setting allowing client to choose what order to attempt to build accruals in. For example, here it would use Company Price List first, then sales data, then Default Price. This can be found under the Client Settings>Claim Tab.

These 5 items are default settings that a client can change. They are not viewable in the Client Settings UI. Otherwise, nothing to do here to set them up.

Sales data accrual future projections and the claim trailing average use these:

contract_forecast_sales_lookback_period_interval (how big of a slice time to look at)

contract_forecast_sales_lookback_gap (how far back to start looking)

3. Calendar and Fiscal Information (Future UI Enhancement)

To be added to UI under the Accrual Tab (Future UI Enhancement)

Accruals always accrue at the contract/company/product level for a defined timeframe. See below for how the dollars are allocated to companies/products under the contract. Defined Timeframe can be one of these six options:

  1. Fiscal Week
  2. Fiscal Month
  3. Fiscal Quarter
  4. Normal Week
  5. Normal Month
  6. Normal Quarter

4. Template level setting telling system what Accrual options should be available when user enters contracts.

NONE – Do not pull in any quantity to accrue, so nothing will be accrued for this contract.

CUSTOM – Indicates that there is a custom accrual method set up for the manufacturer and it's not controlled by any of the accrual types listed.

CONTRACT ESTIMATE – Uses the estimates defined on the contract as the quantity to accrue for. Allocates the estimate evenly over the entire time frame of the contract to determine accrued dollars per period. Allocate each product evenly over the contract period divided evenly by each contractee company (if a group or aggregate).

CLAIM TRAILING AVERAGE – Past periods use actual claim volume/dollars while future periods use an average from a defined trailing period with an optional gap period…e.g. Gap 2 months back and take the previous 6 months claim actuals average. Dollars are allocated to the distributor of each paid claim line item, or if there is no captured distributor, then they will be allocated to the claimant company. There are two database client settings that control this (see client settings section).

Example: For Claim Trailing Average, ACTUAL claim data is used. If the lookback gap is 1 month, and the lookback period is 3 months and we are currently in the month of May, the April claim data is skipped in the calculation and January, February and March volume is averaged.

If the claim data is January 10 cases, February 11 cases, March 11 cases, and April 5 cases, then based on the settings in the example, April is skipped and the average of January, February and March is used which is 11 cases. So the Accrual process would predict an accrual of 11 cases for May using Claim Trailing Average.

CLAIM ACTUALS ONLY – This option will not accrue for future periods, it just accrues based on the claim actuals for the past periods. Dollars are allocated to the distributor of each paid claim line item, or if there is no captured distributor, then they will be allocated to the claimant company.

DISTRIBUTOR SALES – Uses the sales data for a period as the quantity to accrue in the past, then similar to claim trailing average, uses a gapped trailing average to project future periods. Dollars are allocated to the company on the sale unless the contractee is a group with a parent company, in which case they are allocated to the parent company.

Additional Information:

Sale companies can be eligible because they:

a. Belong to the group

b. Are “Agg” companies of companies belonging to the group

c. Are on a row of sales which the client has linked to a (buying) group contractee through the company grouping code field on the sales feed.

For past periods

The quantities on the eligible sales by product and company are used. For future periods, if the client “projects” accruals forward, we take the average quantity for their accrual lookback timeframe (determined by client settings) and project that forward for all future accrual periods.

5. Template level setting telling system how to accrue your lumpsums

Lumpsums are always allocated to the contractee company (evenly split when there are multiple contractees or to the contractee group’s parent company if one is defined).

EVENT START DATE: all dollars for the lumpsum accrue on the first day of the event date range

EVENT END DATE: all dollars for the lumpsum accrue on the last day of the event date range

EVENT RANGE SPREAD: all dollars are spread evenly across each day of the event date range (and then aggregated to the client’s accrual timeframe through reporting)

NONE: we do not generate accruals for this contract – same as picking none for the accrual quantity source for a product-based contract

Using this example we see the contract is for an entire year but the lump sum period is for 3 months. If you choose:

EVENT START DATE: It will accrue $1,200 to 4/1/2019

EVENT END DATE: It will accrue $1,200 to 6/30/2019

EVENT RANGE SPREAD: It will accrue $400 each month for April, May, and June

Per Contract Set Up

Now that you have the 1x settings set up, depending on how you set the template up, when it comes time to build a contract, you’ll see options under the Accrual Quantity Source dropdown. Pick one. That’s pretty much all that’s needed at the contract level.

Per Period (Retain) Set Up

Once you have contracts set up with an Accrual option other than NONE, then the daily Accrual process will run and compile what accruals you have, if any. Each day this process runs and updates.

The client has to ability to view the daily accruals for informational purposes. When the client needs to actually lock down the accruals for their specific periods (monthly etc.), they have the ability to “Retain” that daily accrual amount and lock in the data that produced those amounts. This allows the client to have an audit trail. Plus, next period (monthly etc.) it will not use that data to accrue again.

Within the User Interface, go to Admin>Client Setup>Accrual Admin. It will show the daily “Run ID”. Here you can see the Retained column says False. That is what’s currently accruing but it hasn’t been locked down or “Retained”. This will update every day with a new Accrual Run ID. If it’s time to run your accruals for financials, you can click the Retain button and that now locks in all the data used to build the accruals. You’d move over to Tableau to get your data.

Accrual Tableau Reporting also shows you the Run ID’s but also gives you more info such as the Accrued dollar amounts by RunID, by Month, by Contract.

Outside of the Standard Accrual Reports within Tableau, the client has the ability to build out one that has the needed information/fields they need to complete their financials. The client can run the reports within Tableau and then download the needed data.

Example of a clients output need for accruals…

Calculation Comments:

Clients need to have a Default Item Price in order to determine accruals for two scenarios:

Scenario 1: Rebate Deviated Type = Fixed Price

Scenario 2: Rebate Deviated Value Type = % but no Default Item Price

Terminating Contracts

If a client wants to end a contract for whatever reason such as they feel the spend has met a limit, the accrual process will continue to calculate accruals on a terminated contract through their original end date. The client could also change the end date and move it up on a contract prior to terminating it so that accruals stop as of the termination date.

Our standard reporting source has those terminated contract’s accruals available, but a given client could filter it out of their totals if they desired.


Accruals are a record of the expenses that have been incurred as a result of a contract in TPM. The methods for calculating these values can differ by program type. The client can choose to pre-define the calculation method in TPM at the Template level or allow the contract creator to select a method from more than one option.

The accrual process allows the client to use TPM to keep track of what contracts need to be accrued, how to accrue, when to accrue, and finally how much to accrue. The accrual process runs daily to account for daily changes such as new contracts, amended contracts and renewed contracts. It also accounts for new sales data coming in, new claims being processed etc.

The client has to ability to view the daily accruals for informational purposes (or on their desired frequency Weekly/Monthly). There are ITB reports within Tableau or the client may choose to import the data into their system via an outbound report (1069_accrual_detail) from TPM that is available in a full file format or an incremental file format. Either option comes with an accompanying supplemental Sale and Claim detail file to provide the details that were used to build the accrual values if they were calculated using either Sales or Claim data. This allows the client to be able to do their own research into the accrual detail values.

Three buckets are used in the accrual reporting:

Estimates – contract setting data

Accruals – contract, claim and/or sales data

Actuals – claim data

What is required to get accruals setup

A mini project is required to get a client set up on the new process and convert their current contracts and templates to the new accrual sources.

There are two parts to a successful accrual process:

Template set up

Reporting setting set up

(ability to perform these actions is limited to users with access to these setting only)


Template level settings tell the system what Accrual options should be available when a user creates a contract on a specific template. If only one is chosen per category, the contracts created on that template will default to that choice. If more than one option is selected, the user will have to choose the method during contract creation. If you are not planning on using the estimated (forecasted) values, you can set the Estimate Sources to NONE.

There are 3 different types of settings – Estimates (Forecast), Product Accruals and Lumpsum.


CONTRACT ESTIMATE – Uses the estimates defined on the contract as the quantity to estimate for. Allocates the estimate evenly over the entire time frame of the contract to determine estimated dollars per period. Estimates are associated to the contractee company (if there is only one) or to the contract in general if the contractee is a group.

CLAIM TRAILING AVERAGE – Past periods use actual claim volume/dollars while future periods use an average from a defined trailing period with an optional gap period…e.g. Gap 2 months back and take the previous 6 months claim actuals average.

If no claim history this selection will accrue nothing until claims are received.

SALE TRAILING AVERAGE – Past periods use actual sales volume/dollars while future periods use an average from a defined trailing period with an optional gap period…e.g. Gap 2 months back and take the previous 6 months sales actuals average.

If no sales history is received this selection will accrue nothing until claims are received.

BUDGET – Client would provide a Budget file (1046_forecast_budget) that would include volume per sku for specific time frames and customers for us to use to calculate values.

NONE – Do not pull in any quantity to estimate, so nothing will be estimated for this contract.


CLAIM – This would use the actual volume from the claims processed against the contract to determine the accrual volume.

SALE EARNING – This should only be used for Direct customers. This would use sales invoice data from the customer (1040_sale) to determine the accrual volume.

NONE – Do not pull in any quantity to accrue, so nothing will be accrued for this contract.


Lumpsum estimates and accruals tie to the contract version they are created under without rolling up to a specific company as they are a bucket of spend which can be claimed by any of the participants under the contract.

EVENT RANGE SPREAD – This option would take the value of the lumpsum and spread it evenly across the time frame of the lumpsum event. This accrual is by day.

EVENT START DATE – This would accrue the full value of the lumpsum on the start date of the lumpsum event.

EVENT END DATE – This would accrue the full value of the lumpsum on the end date of the lumpsum event.

NONE – This would not accrue any value for any lumpsum event on the contract.


Depending on how you set the template up, when it comes time to build a contract, you’ll see options under the Product Estimate Source dropdown, Product Accrual Source dropdown and Lumpsum Accrual Spread dropdown. If your template was set to only have one choice – these fields would be auto-populated with the value from the template and would not be editable for the user creating the contract.

The Estimate Lookback Period and Estimate Gap Period fields are only editable when your Product Estimate Source is Claim Trailing Average or Sale Trailing Average. When one of those methods is chosen, those fields become editable. The values entered here tell us how far to lookback for Claims or Sales to determine the estimate values and should we Gap (skip) a month. These values are set at the contract level – there are no default values for these fields.


Within Client Settings there is a new Tab labeled Reporting. Here is where you select the calendar type you want us to use for reporting – Gregorian or Fiscal. Regardless of your choice you should set up the calendar on the Fiscal Calendar tab. A Gregorian calendar should start on 1/1 and end on 12/31.

You choose the reporting period – Month, Quarter, Week. These must also be set up in the Fiscal Calendar within Settings so we know what is defined for each.

Lastly, choose which types of pricing you have in the system that you would like us to use. These can be different than what you use for claim validation and you choose the order in which we use them. Any selection that you make here requires that you are sending in that data to us as part of your master data feeds. If you select an option here that you are not providing us in one of the data feed options below, your accruals will not have that value to use when being calculated.

Default pricing comes from the 1030_product_feed which should be part of your master data feeds.

List pricing comes from a 1034_price_list feed. This is a separate feed and might not be part of your current master data feeds.

Sale pricing comes from the 1040_sale feed which should be part of your master data feeds.

Company pricing comes from a 1035_price_company feed which might not be part of your current master data feeds.

Class pricing comes from a 1036_price_class feed which might not be part of your current master data feeds

If you have any questions on the data feeds mentioned above, please reach out to your assigned Account Manager for additional information.

The order in which the above are selected drives the order in which we look for the data to use. If you chose SALE, LIST and COMPANY – we would first look for a sale value for the time frame, product and customer. If none could be found, we would then look for a LIST value for that item and time frame. If none could be found, we would look for a COMPANY value for that item and time frame.


Accruals can be provided in an outbound data feed that can be used to load the data into the client’s system. This involves 3 files that will be placed on the ftp for pickup and they can be generated on the frequency that works for the client, however they cannot be generated more than 1x per day. Some clients choose to have these files daily, some weekly and some only get them daily during the first week of the month.

These 3 files are unique by accrual run date and each contain different data. They can be generated as a full file each time – or as an incremental file.

1069_accrual_detail contains all of the details at the contract/customer/product level that have been calculated based on all the decisions made during contract creation.

1069_accrual_claim is a supplemental file that the client can use to validate the values in the detail file where a claim was the source used to generate the accrual amount.

1069_accrual_sale is a supplemental file that the client can use to validate the values in the detail file where a sales invoice was the source used to generate the accrual amount.


Accrual data is also available in Tableau reporting. The Standard accrual reports in Tableau are the same for all clients. For Tableau reports, clients can request to have additional fields or filters added to further meet their needs.


This report shows everything at the highest level by Run Date. The Run Date is the date that our system generated the accruals.

In Tableau – the most current date will always be yesterday.

There are always 3 values represented – Estimates, Accruals and Actuals. There are also 3 filters at the top of the report.

Estimates will be calculated using the Products Estimate Source selected on the contracts in the system. If you have chosen not to forecast, those settings would be set to NONE and you would have no ESTIMATE value showing in any reports. The column would always be blank.

Accrual will be calculated using the methods selected on your contracts against the sources for those settings – either Claim or Sale.

Actual will be calculated showing the exact spend that was allowed on the claims processed against your contracts.

The Accrual Run Selection is a drop down from oldest date at the top to newest date at the bottom. This is the date our system ran the accruals to generate a value. You may only select a single date. Storing the accrual runs by date allows a user to go back and look at what the accrual values were at a previous date in time.

You should always look at the most current run date to have the most up to date values in the report. If you need to see values as they existed on a past date, you can select a different date from the dropdown.

The Accrual Date is the date associated with the activity period from the source of the accrual/estimate/actual value. This is a slider and allows the user to limit the range of performance dates displayed. Reporting is pre-defined as either Fiscal or Gregorian via a client setting in TPM. The dates in these reports respects that calendar.

Contract Template allows the user to select one or more of their Contract Templates to see the high-level totals at the Template level.

The report is defaulted to include Prior Year and Current Year for comparison. Additional filters may be added at the clients’ request as long as the data is available in the datasource.


This report breaks the numbers from the previous tab down to the contract level. There is a base set of filters at the top of the report, but others can potentially be added at the clients’ request.

The default filters in this report are: Accrual Run Selection, Accrual Date, Contract ID, Contract Status, Contract Template Description, Contract Title, Contractee Name and Contractee number. Additional filters or columns can be added at the clients’ request as long as the data is available in the datasource.

The Accrual Run Selection is a drop down from oldest date at the top to newest date at the bottom. This is the date our system ran the accruals. You can only select a single date. If the user has selected a date on the prior tab, that selection will carry over to this tab. The user still has the ability to select a different date in this view.

The Accrual Date is the date associated with the activity period from the source of the accrual/estimate/actual value. This is a slider and allows the user to limit the range of performance dates displayed. Reporting is pre-defined as either Fiscal or Gregorian via a client setting in TPM. The dates in these reports respects that calendar.

Contract ID is a dropdown that allows the user to select one or more specific contracts to review. There are no visibility restrictions within Tableau. All users can see all data.

Contract Status allows the user to select one or more contract statuses to include/exclude from the view.

Contract Template Description allows the user the ability to filter to one or more specific contact templates.

Contract Title allows the user the ability to select one or more contracts by the title (if they do not know the contract ID).

Contract Name allows the user the ability to select one or more contracts by name.

Contractee Number allows the user the ability to select one or more specific companies by their company numbers.

Dates displayed in the report are expandable. On initial display the report rolls up to the year. Year can be expanded by putting your mouse on the field containing the year. You will see a + sign. Clicking that sign expanding to Quarter. Once Quarter is displayed, you can expand to Month. If you have entered Weeks into the Fiscal Calendar in the Client Settings in TPM, the next expansion would show Weeks. If there are no Weeks in the Fiscal Calendar, this will display Days as the lowest value. To collapse these fields, leave your mouse on the date fields and you will see a – sign. Click that sign to roll back up to the next highest level.


This report breaks the numbers down to the contract item level. There are a base set filters at the top of the report, but others can potentially be added at the clients’ request.

The default filters in this report are: Accrual Run Selection, Accrual Date, Contract ID, Contract Status, Contract Template Description, Contract Title, Contractee Name, Contractee number, Contract Item Number and Contract Item Name. Additional filters or columns can be added at the clients’ request as long as the data is available in the datasource.

The Accrual Run Selection is a drop down from oldest date at the top to newest date at the bottom. This is the date our system ran the accruals. You can only select a single date. If the user has selected a date on the prior tab, that selection will carry over to this tab. The user still has the option to select a different date in this view.

The Accrual Date is the date associated with the activity period from the source of the accrual/estimate/actual value. This is a slider and allows the user to limit the range of performance dates displayed. Reporting is pre-defined as either Fiscal or Gregorian via a client setting in TPM. The dates in these reports respects that calendar.

Contract ID is a dropdown that allows the user to select one or more specific contracts to review.

Contract Status allows the user to select one or more contract statuses to include/exclude from the view.

Contract Template Description allows the user the ability to filter to one or more specific contact templates.

Contract Title allows the user the ability to select one or more contracts by the title (if they do not know the contract ID).

Contract Name allows the user the ability to select one or more contracts by name.

Contractee Number allows the user the ability to select one or more specific companies by their company numbers.

Contract Item Number allows the user to select one or more specific items by the item number.

Contract Item Name allows the user to select one or more specific items by the item name.

Dates displayed in the report are also expandable here as explained above.


This report shows the difference in what was calculated based on the contract settings (Accruals) and what actually happened based on paid claims (Actuals) received from the customer. This difference is displayed in the Balance column.

If a TERMINATED contract has been swept – the balance on the report will show as $0 and prior balance will show in the Swept column. For more information on Terminating and Sweeping contracts please see the Help Documentation in TPM.

The Accrual Run Selection is a drop down from oldest date at the top to newest date at the bottom. This is the date our system ran the accruals. You can only select a single date. If the user has selected a date on the prior tab, that selection will carry over to this tab. The user still has the option to select a different date in this view.

The Accrual Date is the date associated with the activity period from the source of the accrual/estimate/actual value. This is a slider and allows the user to limit the range of performance dates displayed. Reporting is pre-defined as either Fiscal or Gregorian via a client setting in TPM. The dates in these reports respects that calendar.

Contract ID is a dropdown that allows the user to select one or more specific contracts to review.

Contract Title allows the user the ability to select one or more contracts by the title (if they do not know the contract ID).

Contract Name allows the user the ability to select one or more contracts by name.

Contractee Number allows the user the ability to select one or more specific companies by their company numbers.

Contract Status allows the user to select or filter out one or more contract status.

Contract Template Description allows the user to filter to one or more specific contract templates.

Dates are also expandable in the report as previously detailed above.


This report shows by contract – the sales invoice details that were used to calculate an accrual amount on contracts where Sale Earning is the accrual method. This gives the user the ability to see the invoice details that were specifically used to generate an accrual amount.

The default filters on this report are: Accrual Run Selection, Accrual Run Date, Contract ID, Contract Status, Contractee Name, Sale Product Number. Other filters or columns can be added at clients’ request as long as the data is in the datasource.

The Accrual Run Selection is a drop down from oldest date at the top to newest date at the bottom. This is the date our system ran the accruals. You can only select a single date. If the user has selected a date on the prior tab, that selection will carry over to this tab. The user still has the option to select a different date in this view.

The Accrual Date is the date associated with the activity period from the source of the accrual/estimate/actual value. This is a slider and allows the user to limit the range of performance dates displayed. Reporting is pre-defined as either Fiscal or Gregorian via a client setting in TPM. The dates in these reports respects that calendar.

Contract ID is a dropdown that allows the user to select one or more specific contracts to review.

Contract Status allows the user to select or filter out one or more contract status.

Contractee Name allows the user the ability to select one or more contracts by name.

Sale Product Number allows the user to select one or more specific products.

This report displays Estimates, Accruals and Actuals values.

Dates are also expandable in the report as previously detailed above.


This reports shows by contract the claim id and details that were used to calculate an accrual amount where Claim is the accrual method. This report provides the user all of the information needed to research the details of a specific accrual amount that used Claim to calculate the value.

The default filters on this report are: Accrual Run Selection, Accrual Run Date, Contract ID, Contract Status, Contractee Name, Contract Name, Claim Item Number and Claim Item Name. Other filters or columns can be added at clients’ request as long as the data is in the datasource.

The Accrual Run Selection is a drop down from oldest date at the top to newest date at the bottom. This is the date our system ran the accruals. You can only select a single date. If the user has selected a date on the prior tab, that selection will carry over to this tab. The user still has the option to select a different date in this view.

The Accrual Date is the date associated with the activity period from the source of the accrual/estimate/actual value. This is a slider and allows the user to limit the range of performance dates displayed. Reporting is pre-defined as either Fiscal or Gregorian via a client setting in TPM. The dates in these reports respects that calendar.

Contract ID is a dropdown that allows the user to select one or more specific contracts to review.

Contract Status allows the user to select or filter out one or more contract status.

Contractee Name allows the user the ability to select one or more contracts by the name of the customer that is the Contractee on the contract.

Contract Name allows the user to select one or more contracts by the Contract Name.

Claim Item Number allows the user to filter to one or more specific item numbers that were captured on a claim.

Claim Item Name allows the user to filter to one or more specific items based on the product name.

This report displays Estimates, Accruals and Actuals values.

Dates are also expandable in the report as previously detailed above.


This report allows a user to select two specific accrual run dates to compare to get a difference. This is high level total date periods. You can drill down from year to another period set up in your calendar. (i.e. quarter, month, week)

Accrual Run Selection FIRST should be the oldest date you want to compare to.

Accrual Run Selection SECOND should be the newest date you want to compare from.

The Accrual Date is the date associated with the activity period from the source of the accrual/estimate/actual value. This is a slider and allows the user to limit the range of performance dates displayed. Reporting is pre-defined as either Fiscal or Gregorian via a client setting in TPM. The dates in these reports respects that calendar. This is displayed as a slider that allows the user to limit the delivery periods in each accrual run.


This reports allows a user to select two specific accrual run dates – but also one or more specific contract IDs so they can see the accrual differences between two periods.

Accrual Run Selection FIRST should be the oldest date you want to compare to.

Accrual Run Selection SECOND should be the newest date you want to compare from.

The Accrual Date is the date associated with the activity period from the source of the accrual/estimate/actual value. This is a slider and allows the user to limit the range of performance dates displayed. Reporting is pre-defined as either Fiscal or Gregorian via a client setting in TPM. The dates in these reports respects that calendar. This is displayed as a slider that allows the user to limit the delivery periods in each accrual run.

Contract ID allows a user to select one or more specific contract IDs to compare.


Lumpsum Estimates - calculated based on the total lumpsum amount for the entire period of the contract/event no matter when that falls (past or future).

Lumpsum Accruals - calculate based on the current date when accruals are running

  1. If accruing by end date and the end date of the event hasn't happened yet = accrual will be 0.
  2. If accruing by start date, and start date has happened, full lumpsum amount will be accrued.
  3. If accruing by event range spread, accrual will be prorated based on the percentage of the event dates that have already occurred.

Lumpsum Actuals - always match the claim actuals paid against the contract lumpsum.


If we create claims for these contracts automatically, they will be included in the actuals as they are claims that were created in TPM.


If you short pay or override and pay more than allowed on a claim this will cause these amounts to be different.

If you are accruing based off sales data a customer may not submit rebates against all the volume purchased. This will cause a difference also.


Contracts setup with all products, all customers, and a fake rate/price. Example: Samples and Damages.

When you setup a contract both at sku level and lump for the same spend make sure both are not setup to accrue or you will overstate your accruals.


Outside of Tableau – we provide the ability to receive accrual data in a flat file that can be placed on the ftp for transmission to the client. The purpose of the flat file is to give the client the ability to import the data into their ERP or Data Warehouse internally for reporting on the client side. These files are available in an incremental (difference between last file sent and current file) or full file format (everything through the current date). These files are called 1069_accrual_detail files. We allow up to a maximum of 10 additional fields to be added to the end of the file. Data must be values stored in the system. Additional calculated fields are not permitted.

Part of the 1069 files are two supplemental files that are not meant to be loaded into the clients’ system – they are meant to be used for research. If the source of a record in the detail file was a SALE record – we provide a 1069_accrual_sale file that would reference the detail record and contain all of the sale invoices that were used to calculate the value in the 1069_accrual_detail file. If the source of the record in the detail files was a CLAM record – we provide a 1069_accrual_claim file that would reference the detail record and the specific claim id that was used to calculate the value in the 1069_accrual_detail. There are no calculations of data within these supplemental files – they are just the sources of the values in the detail file.