__**Admin: User Admin: User Admin**__ {{:pasted:20201201-125500.png}} Use this area to set up users or edit existing user access roles. ---- __Adding a New User__ To enter a new user, click on the Add button on the bottom of the screen. This will open the Account Editor popup. Enter Email, First Name, Last Name and select an Access Role. Check the Active box to make the user an active user then click Save. {{:pasted:20201201-125536.png}} If a user is set up as Inactive (Active box unchecked) they will not receive an email notification with a link to login to the application. To set a user to Active -Click on their row to highlight the row. This will open an Editor window on the right. Check the Active box and then make sure to click SAVE. After you have done this, click on the words Reset Password to send them an email link to login to the application. ----- __Editing an Existing User__ To edit an existing user, select the user by highlighting the row. This will open the editor. Make any necessary updates and click Save. Click the Cancel button to close the popup without Saving changes. To close the editor click the X on the top right. ---- The top row is a search bar. To search for a specific user(s), just enter partial info into any column and hit enter to bring back results. ---- Resetting a User's Password happens on this screen as well. [[reset_a_password]]