__**Probable Exposure Explained**__ Probable Exposure is the amount of dollars you'll need to set aside to pay for everything you've offered in the contract. The easiest way to explain is with a simple example where you offer $2/case and the Estimated Quantity of cases they say they'll buy is 100 cases. This means you need to be prepared to pay out $200(100 x $2/case). This doesn't mean you will pay this out. The contractee might only buy 50 cases...or might buy 200 cases. Here's how it works: We'll use this screenshot as the example. {{:pasted:20170823-105746.png}} Scenario 1: Direct Fixed Rate - estimated cases are 500 and the direct rebate is $2.15 so it's 500 x 2.15 = $1075.00. Scenario 2: Deviated Fixed Rate - similar to scenario 1 above but this is a deviated rate through the distributor. The calculation is the same in this scenario so for the first product it is 500 x $2.00 = $1000.00. Scenario 3: Deviated Fixed Price. The default price for this product is $12.34 and the fixed price is $11.00, the formula takes the difference of the two and then multiplies by estimated quantity. In this case it's $12.34 - $11.00 = $1.34 and then $1.34 x 500 = $670.00. (See below for more detailed information regarding sales data and distributors.) Scenario 4: Deviated Percent. In this scenario the contract has a 10.00% rebate set up. Since the product has a Default Price of $42.00 the rebate would be 42.00 x 10% = $4.20. $4.20 x 500 estimated cases = $2100.00 in Probable Exposure. (See below for more detailed information regarding sales data and distributors. ----- __**Probable Exposure and Stacked Data**__ The probable exposure displays on the Exposure Tab of a contract. {{:pasted:20240806-172101.png}} To Generate Exposure for a contract, click the Generate button. {{:pasted:20240806-171758.png}} There are 2 different popups that appear to generate exposure – the size of the contract determines which Generate Exposure popup displays. The Generate Exposure popup below displays on smaller contract where there are not a lot of companies on the contract. {{:pasted:20240806-172802.png}} The Generate Exposure contract popup below is presented where there are a significant number of companies on the contract. The count of companies to select varies by contract. {{:pasted:20240806-172726.png}} __Eligible Distributor Companies:__ click on a row to select. Use the ctrl or shift buttons to select multiple companies. The companies selected here are the only ones that will display in the exposure grids. __Stacked Enabled:__ checking this box will generate Stacked Exposure as well as the Probable Exposure. Leaving it unchecked will only generate the probable exposure. __Limit Actuals Companies:__ checking this box will limit the companies returned to only companies which have claimed on the contract. ----- **IMPORTANT NOTES ABOUT ESTIMATED QUANTITY AND EXPOSURE WHEN LIMITING BY COMPANIES** If all companies are selected and the Limit Actuals Companies box is un-checked, the estimated quantity is applied to all distributors per product on the exposure tabs. If the exposure is limited based on a selection of companies or by checking the Limit Actuals Companies box, a subset of the eligible companies allowed on the contract are returned. In this instance, the estimated quantity per product is applied to only the distributors selected and not all the distributors which are eligible on the contract. Example: A Contract is set up with the following 2 products at the rate and estimated quantity listed. There are also 2 eligible distributors on the contract – Sysco Albany and US Foods Metro NY. {{:pasted:20171110-140751.png}} If exposure is run without limiting by company selection or by companies with actuals, the deviated exposure will show the total estimated quantity for the product and divide that out per distributor on the contract. {{:pasted:20171110-140847.png}} However, if the contract exposure is limited to specific companies or companies with actuals, the estimated volume is applied to only the companies selected. In the example below, the entire estimated volume for the products are applied to Sysco Albany. The total probable exposure per product is still accurate, but the estimated spend for this location is overstated since not all the distributors are displaying. {{:pasted:20171110-140955.png}} **NOTE** – if the user selects companies to view probable exposure, and there are other companies which have actuals on the contract, the actuals for the companies not selected will display under the product/lumpsum overflow tab. ----- **Summary** Displays the Exposure, Actuals and Remaining Amounts. {{:pasted:20240806-172935.png}} __Exposure__: This section breaks out the contract exposure by product direct, product deviated, and lumpsum spend. The contract’s total probable exposure is summed at the bottom of that section. __Actuals__: This section breaks out the actual amount paid on this contract version by product direct, product deviated, lumpsum and overflow amounts. The Product Overflow and Lumpsum Overflow amounts are what was paid on this contract to products and/or lumpsums which are not on the current version of the contract. Some examples are Ineligible Skus or Ineligible Events. Other examples are products which were on the previous contract version but were removed from the current contract amend version. The Contract Actuals amount is the sum for items paid which are on the contract only. The Contract Total Actuals is the sum of all amounts paid on this contract version. __Remaining__: This section displays the remaining amount between the exposure and actuals. At the bottom of the section there are 2 different values. The Contract Remaining is the exposure amount minus the actual amount for the products on the contract version. The Contract Total Remaining is the exposure amount minus the actuals including products/lumpsums not on the contract version. Note that there are several different tabs with the Exposure tab: {{:pasted:20240806-173025.png}} ----- **Contractee Exposure** This tab displays the estimated spend for the current contract version as well as stacked reporting information for other claimable contracts where there are overlapping timeframes for the contractee. {{:pasted:20240806-173446.png}} __Company Name and Company Number__: displays the company name and number of the contractee. If the contractee is a company grouping, each of the companies which are a part of that grouping will display. __Product Name and Product Number__: displays the product name and number for products listed on the contract as well as other products listed on other contracts for the contractee and timeframe. If the product is on the contract as a product grouping, each of the products in that grouping will display. __UOM Description__: displays the UOM for the product row. __This Contract Direct Rate__: the direct rate per product. Note that this field will convert all amounts to a rate even if the product is defined as fixed price or a percent. If the company is a distributor and the product is priced as a percent or fixed price, the rate displayed will be based on either default price, sales data or price by company/product as defined in order in the client settings for the manufacturer. __This Contract Estimated Quantity__: the estimated quantity per product. __Estimated Quantity for Product Grouping__: If a product is on the contract at the product grouping level, the estimated volume will display as the value entered on the contract divided by the count of products in the grouping. For example, if the product grouping had an estimated volume of 100 and there were 4 products in the grouping, an estimated volume value of 25 would display on each product row. __Estimated Quantity for Company Grouping__: If the contractee is a company grouping, the estimated volume will display as the value entered on the contract divided by the count of companies in the grouping. __Estimated Quantity for Both Product Grouping and Company Grouping__: If the contractee is a company grouping and there are product groupings on the contract. The estimated volume will display as the value entered on the contract divided by the count of companies in the grouping and divided by the count of products in the grouping. __This Contract Estimated Spend__: the estimated spend for the product. Formula is Direct Rate * Estimated Quantity. __Other Contract(s) Direct Rate__: displays a sum of all rates for other claimable contracts for the same contractee, timeframe and product. In the instance the contractee is an operator, it will also include the direct rate for the eligible distributor where it is the contractee on a contract for that product and timeframe. Note that this field will convert all amounts to a rate even if the product is defined as fixed price or a percent. Clicking the hyperlink will open a popup which displays the other contract version information for that product row. __Other Operator Contract(s) Rate__: in the instance the contractee is a distributor, the other operator contract rate will show the MAX rate where the contractee is an eligible distributor on an operator contract for that product and timeframe. Note that this field will convert all amounts to a rate even if the product is defined as fixed price or a percent. Clicking the hyperlink will open a popup which displays the other operator contract version information for that product row. {{:pasted:20240806-173512.png}} {{:pasted:20240806-173551.png}} __Total Stacked Direct Rate__: sum of This Contract Direct Rate plus Other Contract(s) Direct Rate plus Other Operator Contract(s) Rate for the product row. __Total Stacked Estimated Spend__: formula of This Contract Estimated Quantity * Total Stacked Direct Rate. This value represents how much could be paid out to this contractee for this timeframe over many different contracts. __Total Claim Amount__: displays a sum of dollars on how much has been paid out to the sku for this contract version. Clicking the hyperlink will open a popup with the claim information. {{:pasted:20240806-173638.png}} ----- __**Distributor Exposure**__ Displays information by Eligible Distributor and Product. {{:pasted:20240806-173916.png}} __Company Name and Company Number__: displays the company name and number of the eligible distributors listed on the contract. If the distributor is a company grouping, each of the companies which are a part of that grouping will display. __Product Name and Product Number__: displays the product name and number for products listed on the contract as well as other products listed on other contracts for the contractee and timeframe. If the product is on the contract as a product grouping, each of the products in that grouping will display. __UOM Description__: displays the UOM for the product row. __This Contract Deviated Rate__: the direct rate per product. Note that this field will convert all amounts to a rate even if the product is defined as fixed price or a percent. If the company is a distributor and the product is priced as a percent or fixed price, the rate displayed will be based on either default price, sales data or price by company/product as defined in order in the client settings for the manufacturer. __This Contract Estimated Quantity__: the estimated quantity per product. __Product Grouping__: If a product is on the contract at the product grouping level, the estimated volume will display as the value entered on the contract divided by the count of products in the grouping. For example, if the product grouping had an estimated volume of 100 and there were 4 products in the grouping, an estimated volume value of 25 would display on each product row. __Company Grouping__: If the distributor is a company grouping, the estimated volume will display as the value entered on the contract divided by the count of companies in the grouping. __Both Product Grouping and Company Grouping__: If the distributor is a company grouping and there are product groupings on the contract. The estimated volume will display as the value entered on the contract divided by the count of companies in the grouping and divided by the count of products in the grouping. __This Contract Estimated Spend__: the estimated spend for the product. Formula is Direct Rate * Estimated Quantity. __Other Contract(s) Deviated Rate__: displays a sum of all rates for other claimable contracts for the same contractee, eligible distributor, timeframe and product. Note that this field will convert all amounts to a rate even if the product is defined as fixed price or a percent. Clicking the hyperlink will open a popup which displays the other contract version information for that product row. {{:pasted:20170823-111422.png}} __Total Stacked Deviated Rate__: sum of This Contract Deviated Rate plus Other Contract(s) Deviated Rate for the product row. __Total Stacked Estimated Spend__: formula of This Contract Estimated Quantity * Total Stacked Deviated Rate. This value represents how much could be paid out to this distributor for this timeframe over many different contracts. __Total Claim Amount__: displays a sum of dollars on how much has been paid out to the distributor and sku for this contract version. Clicking the hyperlink will open a popup with the claim information. {{:pasted:20170823-111437.png}} ----- __**Lumpsum Exposure**__ Displays Contract Lumpsum information. {{:pasted:20240806-174310.png}} __Lumpsum Description__: lumpsum description defined on the contract version. __Lumpsum Code__: lumpsum code defined on the contract version. __Contract Lumpsum Description__: contract’s lumpsum descriptions defined on the contract version. __Event Start and End Date__: dates defined for the lumpsum. __Total Estimated Spend__: amount defined on the contract for the lumpsum. __Total Claim Amount__: displays the amount claimed for the lumpsum row. Clicking the hyperlink will open a popup displaying the claim information. {{:pasted:20240806-174336.png}} ----- __**Product Actuals Overflow**__ Displays information on products which were paid on the contract but are not defined on the current contract version. Examples: Ineligible Skus overridden and paid Products which were on the contract as part of a product grouping, but are no longer part of that product grouping. Products which were on the contract when the claim was paid, but the contract has since been amended and that product was removed. {{:pasted:20240806-174508.png}} __Company Name and Company Number__: displays the company information pertaining to the claimant of the overflow product row. __Product Name and Product Number__: displays the product information of the item which was claimed and paid on the contract version, but is not a product on the contract. __Total Claim Amount__: the amount paid for that product. Clicking the hyperlink will open a popup window displaying the claim information. {{:pasted:20240806-174526.png}} ------ __**Lumpsum Actuals Overflow**__ Displays information on lumpsums which were paid on the contract but are not defined on the current contract version. Examples: Ineligible lumpsum events which were overridden and paid. Lumpsums which were on the contract when the claim was paid, but the contract was amended and that lumpsum is no longer defined on the current version of the contract. {{:pasted:20240806-175255.png}} __Lumpsum Description and Lumpsum Code__: displays the lumpsum information for lumpsums which are not defined on the contract. __Total Claim Amount__: displays the amount paid for the lumpsum. Clicking the hyperlink will open a popup displaying the claim information. {{:pasted:20170823-112601.png}} ----- __**Reports**__ There are 2 options available related to probable exposure and stacked reporting. __Probable vs Actuals__: this report displays the contract and claim information in report format. To view the report, click the report button. {{:pasted:20240806-174705.png}} Then select an export type and decide to either show (un-check) or hide (check) the Claimant Info and click the Generate report. Once the report has generated, click the hyperlink in the Generated Reports section. {{:pasted:20240806-174727.png}} __Excel Export__: The export displays a sheet per tab. The export will limit the data if there are any filters on any of the columns so be sure to clear filters prior to opening the export. -----