**__Notifications__** Notifications will be displayed within the application when the Menu is expanded. It displays below the client's logo. {{:pasted:20240826-173056.png}} {{:pasted:20240826-173128.png}} If there are no unread notifications, the bell will be green in color. If the user has new notifications, the bell will be red in color. Click on the bell to see the notifications. This will open a window with the Show Unread tab selected. {{:pasted:20240826-173243.png}} The notification will contain information on who the sent the comment, the comment note, an attachment name (if there is an attachment) and the date and time the comment was sent. Additionally, if the comment was made on an invoice, claim or contract, a link will be provided to navigate directly to that invoice, claim or contract. To mark a comment as read, click the X at the top right of the comment. This will remove that comment from the Unread grid and move it to the Show All grid. To delete a comment, click the x icon on the comments in the Show All grid. Then click the trashcan icon. {{:pasted:20240826-173419.png}} {{:pasted:20240826-173505.png}} A Delete Notification confirmation will display. Click Yes to delete that notification and click No to keep it. {{:pasted:20240826-173520.png}} To close the Notification window, click the X on the top right or click somewhere else within the application.