**__Invoice and Claim Entry__** **Invoice Entry** An Invoice can be entered in one of two ways: - Invoice Search - Contract Claims Tab The only difference between these two is that the invoice created from the contract claims tab will display the Contract Companies for Claimant selection (instead of just all companies) and if New Claim is selected after the invoice is created, the contract that was used to start the invoice will automatically be linked and the user won't need to search for a contract. ----- Click New Invoice {{:pasted:20221011-115537.png}} The Invoice Edit screen will display. {{:pasted:20221011-115619.png}} Enter in all required fields: - Claimant Name - the company listed on the invoice - Invoice Number - the number associated to the invoice - Deduction Number Hint - enter if there is a known deduction number - Invoice Date - the date the invoice was created - Start Date - the beginning date associated to the invoice - End Date - the end date associated to the invoice - Amount Requested - the amount for the entire invoice. This is not a per contract amount. The only optional field is the Deduction Number Hint. If there is a known deduction number associated to this invoice, enter that information here. This will help in the deduction auto-matching process. The Claimant Name is selected by clicking the ellipse icon. {{:pasted:20221011-115715.png}} If the invoice was started from a contract, this will show the Contract Companies in addition to All Companies. If the invoice was started from the invoice search screen, only the All Companies tab will display data. {{:pasted:20221011-115837.png}} Select the company row either by highlighting and clicking the Select button, or by double-clicking the company row. {{:pasted:20221011-120117.png}} After all the required fields are entered. Click Save. {{:pasted:20221011-115927.png}} ----- **Invoice - Add Notes & Attachment** After saving an invoice, click the Notes & Attachment tab to add notes and/or attachments at the Invoice level. Any notes and/or attachments added at the invoice level will automatically display on the Notes & Attachments tab for claims created on that invoice. {{:pasted:20240813-182923.png}} Click the Add button located on the bottom left of the screen. {{:pasted:20240813-182943.png}} The Note Editor allows text to be entered and one to many attachments linked to that one note. Add a note, or copy and paste from another source. These notes can be formatted using any of the options displayed at the top of the note section. To add attachments there are a couple steps. 1. Click the Add Attachment button located at the bottom of the popup in the Action Bar section. An Upload File button will appear in the Attachment section. 2. Click Upload File to select a file. The maximum file size is 50mb. If there are additional files that need to be added, click Add Attachment then select Upload File to add another attachment. {{:pasted:20240813-183106.png}} 3. If there are people who need to receive a Notification on the note entered, click the Notify Accounts dropdown at the top of the screen. Chose the names of those you want to send the message to. {{:pasted:20240813-183132.png}} Once the notes, attachments and users are added, click Save. The text will display in the Notes & Attachments grid as it was formatted in the Note Editor. The attachments column will display a count of attachments associated with the claim note. {{:pasted:20240813-183337.png}} To cancel the action, click the Close button. Both the notes and attachment fields are optional. A note can be added without an attachment or an attachment can be added without a note. When viewing the Notes & Attachments on an invoice or claim, there is an Identifier column which gives information on where the note and/or attachment was added. If the notes and/or attachments were added at the invoice level, it will display the text "invoice". If the notes and/or attachments were added to a claim, this will display the Claim ID. {{:pasted:20240813-183503.png}} Click the Notes & Attachments row on the grid to view the attachment. This will open a non-editable dialog box with the notes displayed. Click the Download hyperlink to view the attachment. ----- **Claim Entry** Now that the invoice is created, claims can be linked to that invoice. An invoice can have one to many claims associated to it. If the invoice has just been created, click New Claim to add the first claim to the invoice. If the first claim has been created and more claims need to be linked to an invoice, search for the invoice in the invoice search screen and then select the invoice and click New Claim from the Invoice View screen. Click the New Claim button to add a claim to an invoice. {{:pasted:20240813-183550.png}} Note that if the invoice was just created and started from a contract, the contract search will not display. If the invoice was created from the invoice search or if claims have already been linked and additional claims are being added, the contract search will display. If the contract search opens, add search criteria and click enter on the keyboard or the search button. The default criteria is Claimable = true and End Date greater than or equal to this date last year. That criteria can be removed to view all contracts. Select the contract by either double-clicking the contract row or by highlighting the row and click the Select button. If the contract is not known, click the Cancel button to be directed to the claim entry screen without linking a contract. {{:pasted:20240813-183622.png}} The Claim Edit screen will display with all the information from the Invoice as well as some claim related information. {{:pasted:20240813-183751.png}} ----- __Claim Header__ In the Claim Header, the Contract Hint field is editable. This field captures the name of the contract as it appears on the invoice and is used as a reference for selecting a contract. {{:pasted:20240813-183828.png}} ----- __Products__ Add Products: To add a manufacturer product, search for the product on either the Contract Products (displays products on the specific contract) or Products grid (displays all products) by entering the product number or product name in the grid filters. {{:pasted:20240813-184503.png}} Select one to many rows to add to the claim by clicking and highlighting the rows. Multiple lines can be selected by using the ctrl+click or shift+click option. Once the rows are highlighted, drag them to the left and they will display on the claim products grid. To add products which do not exist in the manufacturer products tab, click the Add Adhoc Product button. {{:pasted:20240813-184518.png}} The Product Number, Product Name and Rebate UOM must be entered on the Adhoc product row. For all products, enter in the Rebate UOM, Date, Requested Quantity, Requested Rate and Requested Total. Rebate UOM - this will default to the UOM for that product on the contract, or the Default UOM if the product is not on the contract. The dropdown will display the UOM options defined for that product. Date – the default date displayed is the mid-date between the Start Date and End Date of the claim. This date can be updated to the actual product delivery date, but it must be between the start and end dates of the invoice. Requested Quantity – enter in the quantity for the product. Requested Rate – enter in the rate for the product and the Requested Total will auto-populate with the total value. The calculation is quantity x rate. Requested Total – enter in the total for the product and the rate will auto-populate. The calculation is total ÷ quantity. NOTE: Quantity and Total can be negative, but Rate must always be positive. It is not necessary to enter both a rate and a total – entering the quantity and either rate or total will calculate and populate the grid for the remaining field. Any calculated (non-entered) values which are rounded in the application will display an approximate symbol (~) and the actual value will display on hover. {{:pasted:20240813-184958.png}} __Add Distributors__ To add line item distributors to the claim, check the box at the beginning of the claim row to select the line(s), then click the Assign Distributor button. {{:pasted:20240813-185049.png}} This will open a distributor search. Enter in text in the filter boxes at the top to search for the distributor. Then either double-click the row or click the Commit button to add that distributor to the claim lines. {{:pasted:20240813-185140.png}} When entering claims with a Distributor Claimant, on Save the line item distributor will auto-update with the claimant company if there are no line item distributors set. If there are line item distributors on a distributor claim, those lines will not auto-update. If the claimant is an Operator, the lines will not auto-update. __Delete Products__: there is also the option to delete products from the grid. Select the checkbox at the beginning of a row by either selecting the individual row or clicking the Select All button. To de-select all rows, click the Select None button. Once the row(s) are selected then click Delete Selected. {{:pasted:20240813-185201.png}} After clicking Delete Selected, a confirmation popup will display. To continue with the product delete select Confirm and the popup will close and the selected product(s) will be deleted. Click Cancel to cancel the product delete process. {{:pasted:20240813-185215.png}} ----- __**Swap Product**__ If there is a claim product that needs to be removed and replaced with a different product, use the Swap Product feature. This action can be performed on adhoc products, manufacturer products, and contract products. Select the row of the claim product(s) that need to be swapped. One to many product rows can be selected but they will all be replaced with the same product. {{:pasted:20240813-185426.png}} After selecting the product(s) to remove and highlighting the product to add, click the Swap Product button. This will replace the product number and name and the rest of the information on the product row will stay the same except for the Rebate UOM. This column will update to blank and force the user to select a UOM for the product row. {{:pasted:20180612-171132.png}} ----- __LumpSums__ To add lumpsums to the claim, select either the Add Contract Lumpsum or Add Lumpsum buttons. Note that the Add Contract Lumpsum button will only be enabled if there are lumpsums available on the contract assigned to the claim. {{:pasted:20240813-185533.png}} Select a lumpsum row by checking the box on the lumpsum row. To select all lumpsums to add to the claim, click the Select All button. Multiple lumpsums can be added to the claims. After the rows are selected, click the OK button to close the popup and add the lumpsums to the claim. {{:pasted:20240813-185609.png}} The Date and Claim Amount Requested fields are editable for all lumpsum rows. The Date field defaults to the mid-date of the claim start and end dates but can be modified to a specific date. That date must be between the claim start and end dates. The Claim Amount Requested can also be entered or modified. {{:pasted:20240813-185642.png}} ----- **Add Payment Information** To add or modify payment information, click on the Payment Configuration tab. Chose a payment type by selecting one of the options. {{:pasted:20240813-185714.png}} If Payment is selected and an Alternate Payee is required, check the Alternate Payee box. This will open the section to select or enter an Alternate Payee. Either click Choose Company to select from a list of active companies for the manufacturer or hand-type the information. {{:pasted:20240813-185800.png}} ----- __Client Defined Fields__ If there are Client Defined Fields set up for Claims, those can be added to the claim in Edit. {{:pasted:20240813-185822.png}} If a client defined field is required, an error will be returned on Save if a value is not entered. ----- __Save Claim - Enter Notes & Attachments__ Once all the claim information is entered, click Save. Then navigate to the Notes & Attachments tab to upload the invoice and any other documents in reference to the invoice. For more information on Adding Notes and Attachments see the section [[notes_attachments|]] in the Help documents. ----- __Submitting Invoices and Approving Claims__ The ability to Submit the claims on an Invoice or Approve a Claim are based on Access Roles. **Submit** If there is only ONE claim on an invoice, and the invoice open amount is $0.00, the ability to Submit will be enabled on the Claim Actions section for users with permissions. {{:pasted:20240813-190013.png}} If there are more than one claim on an invoice, and the invoice open amount is $0.00, the option to Submit the claims is ONLY available on the Invoice view within the Actions menu for users with permissions. {{:pasted:20240813-190044.png}} Submit the claim(s) to process the data. The result will be a claim which is either Pending or in Evaluation. **Approve** The Approve button will be enabled on a submitted claim for users with permissions and if the claim has not previously been Approved. The Approve action only needs to be performed one time on a claim unless a contract is either assigned or changed on that claim. {{:pasted:20240813-190124.png}} Before clicking Approve, review the claim header information and the line item information. After confirming the data on the claim is correct, click Approve. Claim in Evaluation: the claim state will update to Complete after Approve is clicked. Claim in Pending: the claim will remain in a Pending state after Approve is clicked. Claim lines that are resolved due to changes on the contract will be updated. Once all pending lines are resolved either manually or through the automated process, the claim will automatically move to a complete state since the claim is Approved.