**__Contract Comparison Report__** The Contract Comparison Report will show the differences between 2 contracts. To run the report, select the checkbox for the 2 contracts to compare. The contract sequence (Numbers before the R and A) have to be the same to use compare. {{:pasted:20240808-153147.png}} Then click the Compare button at the bottom left of the grid. {{:pasted:20240808-153205.png}} Note: Only exactly 2 boxes can be checked to run the report. ----- After clicking Compare, the Report Runner will display. Select the Export Type. The Old Contract ID and New Contract ID display the contract versions of the contracts which were selected. The order these are displayed in the report can be changed by selecting the Swap button. Click the Export button to generate the report. {{:pasted:20240808-153406.png}} {{:pasted:20240808-153420.png}} ----- The top section of the report displays the Header information for the 2 contracts selected. Below that, the SKU Based Pricing, Group Based Pricing, LumpSum, Eligible Distributors and Client Defined Fields sections display the detailed difference between the 2 contract versions. At the bottom of the report is the key which details the items added to, removed from, or modified between versions. {{:pasted:20240808-153628.png}} {{:pasted:20240808-153645.png}} {{:pasted:20240808-153659.png}} {{:pasted:20240808-153710.png}} ----- The Contract Comparison Report can also be run from a Contract. Select the search button located in the Basic Info section of the contract header. {{:pasted:20240808-153915.png}} This will open a popup displaying all versions and renewals for the contract family. The claimable column defaults to True, but False records can also be displayed. Select the checkboxes for the contracts to compare and click the Compare button at the bottom of the popup to generate the report. {{:pasted:20240808-154017.png}}