__**Admin: User Admin: Access Roles Admin**__ {{:pasted:20201201-113721.png}} This screen is to build different types of roles and assign screen visibility to each role. Then on the User Admin screen, users can be assigned a role based on these definitions. To add a new Access Role, click the Add button on the bottom right of the screen. This will open the editor where the new Access Role can be named. {{:pasted:20201201-113903.png}} ---- Next, assign what each role can do within GoSimple. If adding a new access role, this is displayed below the role name in the editor. Or select an Access Role Name by clicking the row to edit an existing access role. Then move the views from the Available Views section on the left to the Selected Views section on the right. Multiple rows can be selected by clicking Ctrl or Shift and selecting rows. {{:pasted:20201201-114347.png}} To Save changes click the Save button. To discard changes click Cancel. Clicking the X on the top right will close the editor.