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approving_a_contract [2015/01/15 14:15] brian.maloneyapproving_a_contract [2025/02/12 17:35] (current) tina.robles
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 **__Approving Contracts__** **__Approving Contracts__**
-If you are set up as a Sub Approver or Final Approver, there are a few ways to find contracts ready for your eyes to approve.+For Contract Approvers - Accessing Pending Approvals:
-1.  __Home Dashboard Screen__:  Here you'll see that there are contracts waiting your approval.  Click on the green circle to the left of "Awaiting My Approval"+If you have Sub Approver or Final Approver authorization, you can monitor contracts awaiting your review by:
-{{:pasted:20150115-140450.png}}+  * Navigating to the Home screen 
 +  * Adding the "Contracts Approval" widget to your dashboard
-It will pull up the contracts waiting your approval.  Click on the contract to open it up. +This widget provides:
-Now on the top right side you'll see the approve button.+  * Immediate visibility of contracts requiring your attention 
 +  * Streamlined access to the approval workflow
-{{:pasted:20150115-140707.png}}+**Note**This functionality is specifically available to users with Sub Approver or Final Approver permissions.
----- +__Home Dashboard Screen__
-2. __Go to My Account then Profile__.  You'll see the below options. Check the one you see checked below and you'll get an email whenever there is a new contract waiting your approval. +
----- +Accessing Contracts Pending Approval:
-3.__Go to Contract then Approval__.  It will pull up all the contracts awaiting your approval.+
-{{:pasted:20150115-141253.png}}+Within the "Contracts Approval" widget:
-{{:pasted:20150115-141431.png}}+  - Locate the "Contracts Awaiting My Approval" section. 
 +  - Identify the green circular indicator to the left of this section. 
 +  * This indicator displays the total number of contracts currently awaiting your approval. 
 +  - Click on the green circular indicator to access the detailed list of pending contracts. 
 +This action will navigate you to a comprehensive view of all contracts requiring your review and approval. 
 +**Note**: The numerical value within the green indicator provides an at-a-glance summary of your current approval workload. 
 +Contract Approval Dashboard Metrics: 
 +**All Contracts Awaiting Approval** 
 +  * Displays the total number of contracts in the Evaluation stage 
 +  * Includes all contracts the user has the authority to approve 
 +**My Contracts Awaiting Approval** 
 +  * Shows the count of contracts in the Evaluation state 
 +  * Limited to contracts the user has submitted or sub-approved 
 +  * These contracts are pending next-level or final approval 
 +**Approved in the Past 30 Days** 
 +  * Indicates the number of contracts that received approval within the last 30-day period 
 +**Contracts Awaiting My Approval** 
 +  * Represents the number of contracts specifically requiring the user's approval action 
 +  * Click on any circular indicator to access a detailed grid view of the corresponding contracts 
 +  * To open a specific contract, select the hyperlinked contract ID in the first column of the grid 
 +Contract Review Actions: 
 +Upon reviewing a contract, you have two primary options: 
 +To Approve the Contract: 
 +  * Navigate to the Actions section 
 +  * Select the "Approve" option 
 +  * This action advances the contract to the next stage in the approval workflow 
 +To Request Revisions: 
 +  * Locate and select the "Revise" option in the Actions section 
 +  * This action will:  Return the contract to draft status, Route it to the original contract creator's draft folder, Enable necessary modifications to be made 
 +**Note**: Selecting "Revise" temporarily halts the approval process, allowing for adjustments before resubmission. 
 +Ensure your decision is final before selecting either option, as these actions have significant implications for the contract's progression through the approval pipeline. 
 ---- ----
 +**Bulk Contract Approval Functionality**
 +Mass Approval Feature Implementation:
 +A new mass approval functionality has been integrated into the "Awaiting My Approval" interface, designed to optimize the approval workflow under specific circumstances.
 +Eligibility Criteria:
 +  - Applicable only to contracts without modifications from their previous versions
 +  - Visual indicator:
 +  * Located in the "Flagged" column
 +  * Displays "True" when a contract is eligible for mass approval
 +  - Not applicable to new contracts (version A0.R0)
 +  - Excluded for renewals or amendments containing modifications to prior versions
 +  - Contracts with changes require individual review and approval
 +System Indication:
 +  * A dedicated column provides clear visibility of mass approval eligibility
 +  * This feature ensures appropriate application of the streamlined approval process
approving_a_contract.1421331352.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/01/15 14:15 by brian.maloney